“Yeah. But there’s a real chance that it could bring back all my shitty memories, and I could change my mind after we try. Which would be unfair to you.”
“Not any more unfair than me surprising you with a mate bond while we had sex.”
“True.” I took another bite. “Have you been eating enough?”
He glanced down at his plate, as if remembering that we were having dinner. “Sure.”
I lifted an eyebrow.
“Alright, I haven’t.” He picked up his fork and knife. “You scared the hell out of me.”
“I’m sorry. I won’t hide again.”
“Thank you.” He lifted a bite to his mouth. “Do you want to give it a test run?”
“I’m still trying to decide. What do you think it would be like, if we were together that way?”
He studied me, considering it.
Finally, he said, “Remember that night we did karaoke? With the good food, the laughing, and the cuddling?”
“Of course.”
I hoped to never forget that night.
“I think it’d be like that. But a little more laid-back, most of the time. So that, but more comfortable.”
“I was plenty comfortable that night.”
“So was I.”
He just thought it would be even better if we were really and truly together.
I couldn’t say the idea didn’t sound good. Or that I didn’t see the appeal of it.
It sounded amazing.
I was just still a little uncertain about jumping in. “Do you mind if I take a bit longer to think about it?”
“Of course not. Take as long as you need to. We’ve got plenty of time.”
All of the time, actually.
We would be together permanently. Immortally, too.
And that was just…
A lot.
In a good way, maybe?
That was also on the list of shit I needed to figure out.
We cleaned up dinner together, and I went back into my room to write in my journal when we were done. It seemed a little silly to do so, but always felt sort of cleansing to me.