“Bad vibes? Since when do ancient dragon assholes care about vibes?”
“We have good judgment about these kinds of things.”
They were prison guards.
Dragon shifters guarded the supernatural jail in the mountains outside the city I lived in, Scale Ridge. So, I supposed he’d been around a lot more jerks than I had.
Then again, he didn’t really know humans.
Except the women who kept crowding around him. It was no secret among my parents’ social circle that Randa’s dragon only had one unmated brother left. The Sky brothers had become something like celebrities among the rich and elite that my parents ran with.
“Fine. Who?” I asked.
Eli’s gaze lingered on someone to my left. “Him. Next to the food table.”
He was an attractive guy, with dark skin and curly black hair cropped close to his scalp. He wore a sharply tailored tux, and looked muscular.
“Deal. Introduce me. I can appreciate a good bow tie.”
“Not the bow tie guy. The one behind him.”
The one behind him was…
“My cousin? Ugh, Eli,” I snapped. “Seriously?”
Eli had met my side of the family at the rehearsal, including said cousin, so he knew exactly who the man was.
He flashed me a grin. “I’m sure he’d drive you home.”
I smacked his arm with the back of my hand. “Screw off. I’ll find my own hookup. Peace offering not accepted.”
With that, I stepped out of my chair and started to walk away. From the corner of my eye, I saw a few more women heading in his direction.
He deserved that, though.
A thick, warm arm wrapped around my waist, and Eli stepped up to my side. He lowered his head, and his lips brushed the shell of my ear as he said, “Word is already spreading that we’re mates. If you want to take someone home tonight, I’m your only option.”
My body flushed.
My abdomen clenched.
“If that was your attempt at propositioning me, you did a shitty job,” I gritted out.
He chuckled.
His teeth caught my earlobe, and I couldn’t stop myself from shivering in response.
“You’re the sexiest woman at this party. Let me have you tonight.”
My mind short-circuited with his words.
My panties were absolutely drenched.
I knew it was a lie—but maybe it was a lie I could play along with, until the night was over.
I’d been attracted to him from the beginning. Attracted enough that Randa had told me to hook up with him just to get it out of my system.