Page 22 of Never Feed a Dragon

“He’ll probably want to live with me.”

“I’ll convince him. I will.”

“Maybe I can bribe him with cupcakes.”

My position only got more dire the longer I let her simmer, but breaking the door down would be a violation of her privacy. And considering what had happened earlier, giving her space seemed important.

So, I’d stay away as long as I could manage.

“I’ll just figure it out tomorrow,” she finally thought.

The shower turned off, and my relief was thick.

I leaned up against the wall across from the door, trying to hide how mentally fucked I was from her absence.

Vi stepped out a moment later, her body wrapped in a gray towel. The damp strands of her long, blonde hair clung to her shoulders, drawing my eyes to her breasts.

Then again, they would’ve gone there anyway.

Her tits were perfect.

“I’m going to bed,” she said, stepping past me sideways so her body didn’t brush against mine. “We can talk in the morning. Go home, or sleep on the couch.”

I wouldn’t fit on her couch, but I wasn’t going to bring that up.

She’d offered to let me stay, in a roundabout way, and I was going to take full advantage of that.

Vi shut her bedroom door behind her, and my shoulders immediately tightened.

That was way too much space between us for my comfort.

I’d be fine, though.

I grabbed a pillow off the couch, tossed it to the floor in front of her door, and plopped down with it.

I wouldn’t be getting any sleep while we were apart, but I’d survive the wait if it made things just a little easier for Vi.

And in the morning, we’d figure our shit out.



Sleep didn’t come when it should’ve.

My body felt unnaturally hot.

And sore.

It couldn’t have been caused by the sex, so what was it? Heat?

I wanted to ask Elodie about it, but I’d bothered her enough. And I wanted to talk to Randa, but I still couldn’t interrupt her wedding night.

She probably wouldn’t have answered the phone even if I did. She and Jasper weren’t known for replying to texts quickly. Given they’d just gotten married, they’d probably left the devices in their car or something.

The only other person I could text about dragon stuff was Brynn, the guys’ sister, and I knew they didn’t tell her anything about their magic if they could avoid it. And they could usually avoid it.

Plus, she had a newborn baby. I wasn’t going to message her in the middle of the night.