Page 88 of Tempting

Love you, baby. Sleep well.


Morning, Mac.

Guess who thought Easton and I should room together for this game?

If you guessed Jace, you’d be the winner. Your brother says Jace is paying him back for when Easton married Lindy. Apparently, you and I are bringing it full circle.

Don’t ask me. I have no idea what they’re thinking.


Okay, so Easton and I now have a common enemy. Jace.

We may have put Saran Wrap over his toilet last night.

It was Easton’s idea.

You’ve got to forgive me, Mac, I can’t stand not talking to you.


Forgiving you has nothing to do with being mad at you. I forgive you. But I’m still furious. And when I’m mad, I shut down.

I watched your game on TV with Callen. Nice goal.

Ilook at the time when we get off the plane after our Calgary game, and board the hotel bus in Alberta. It’s too late to call her.



Morning, baby. One more game, and then I’m home tonight.

Are you on call?


. . .

No. Not tonight. I’m heading to the hospital for rounds now. I’ll be home before your game.


Mac... You asked me not to shut you out once. I’m asking you now to not shut me out. Shutting down might be how you deal, but fuck, baby, I can’t do this.


I’ll see you tonight, Nixon. Have a good game.

I guess that’s a start.


Forgiving is easy. Forgetting is hard.

Admitting you may have overreacted is fucking torture.