Page 58 of Tempting

“Don’t bother lying, Nix. Hunter called me yesterday and asked me why the hell you haven’t called him back. He wouldn’t break confidentiality, but seriously, man, I know you. And this shit isn’t adding up.” Leo doesn’t get angry. He’s always been the easiest-going brother. He lets everything roll off his back and likes to mask it all with humor. But right now, he’s fucking pissed, and he’s not wrong.

“Listen...” Leo looks at me like he knows what I’m about to say, and he probably does. “The weight of it all has been getting to me. That’s all.”

The look on his face says it all.

Disappointment and distrust.

Not two things Leo, Hendrix, and I usually feel toward each other.

“Do you ever worry about letting Dad down?” Jesus, I’m pushing fucking thirty, and I’m bitching about my daddy issues.

He drags his hand over his face and looks away. “Dude. How the fuck are we not supposed to worry about that? His jersey hangs in the Hall of Fame.”

“Not just athletically. Just... I don’t know. Like the man you are. The priorities you have. Dad made it all look easy, and the only thing I ever remember him asking of us was to always give 110 percent to whatever we were doing.” My gut churns at the thought.

“Earn it,” we both mumble in unison, having heard it so many times throughout our lives. If it’s worth doing—worth having— you need to earn it. Nothing is given to you.

“Nix, you’re always one of the first ones at practice and one of the last ones to leave. You work harder than everyone, including me. What the hell are you worried about? That Dad will be disappointed?” he asks, and it sounds ridiculous.

“I don’t know, man. I just don’t want to throw away what he gave us. We’ve got this great family and great lives here. But I’m not gonna lie, it was nice being in Boston. I liked not having the shadow of the Sinclair legacy hanging over my shoulder every day. Perfect family. Perfect relationship. Perfect fucking career. He handled it all like it was nothing, and some days... it’s just a lot.” I stop when Callen pulls his massive truck into the spot next to ours.

“I mean, I guess when you put it that way, it is. But honestly, Nix, you’ve always been an overthinker, and I think you’re doing it now.” Callen knocks on Leo’s window, and Leo gives him the finger. “Mom and Dad had their own hell to go through to get here. They just want us to be happy. Whatever the hell that looks like.”

Callen knocks again.

“Fuck off, Uncle,” Leo yells before he looks at me again. “Even if that means leaving Kroydon Hills.”

Guess my little brother is more observant than I gave him credit for.


Dr. Dick just asked me if you and I were still together and if I could get him tickets to a Philly Kings game.


Does he think you can get him tickets because I’m related to the coach?


I think so.


Does the dumb fuck not realize you’re related to the team owners?


I’m not sure.


What did you tell him about us?


I didn’t. I glossed right over it. Then he asked about the game and mentioned maybe we could go together. I don’t think he has any concept of propriety.
