Page 43 of Tempting

She says she doesn’t want any strings... but this town would tie her down in a heartbeat if she let them.

And when she opens the door, all of that ceases to matter.

The building could burn down around us, and I’m not sure I’d notice or care.

“Mac...” I swallow and suck air in through my teeth. Fuck me.

Nobody should look that fucking hot in fuzzy fucking socks, but holy fuck, she does.

Her nipples are high, tight little points pressing against a white tank top, teasing me with a glimpse of the rosy-pink color visible beneath the fabric. One that’s barely hiding what I’m absolutely positive will be the most magnificent breasts I’ve ever touched, and I’m going to touch... and taste... and fucking worship them.

I want to grab her face in my hands and kiss her.

Slam her up against the wall and fuck her.

But this is Mac, and that’s not what we’re doing.

Even if the sight of her has me ready to throw out every other rule I’ve ever had just to have her.

“Good fucking girl, Mac,” I growl from deep within my chest as I step inside and kick the door shut behind me. “What do you have there?”

I nod toward the spoon in her hands. She licks it like a little brat and smiles. “My favorite ice cream. Do you want to try some?”

“Yeah, beautiful. I’m going to try some.”

She blushes the prettiest shade of pink, and my mind goes in a million fucking directions.

She saunters by me with a swish of her hips, and I wonder where this boost of confidence came from and how I can harness it for her so she can always have it as I follow her into the kitchen. A small speaker sits next to a glass of wine and a carton of ice cream.

“You’re fucking perfect, Mac.” I lift her up and sit her on the island. “You ready for your next lesson?”

With wide eyes, she catches herself as she’s about to nod, but then stops. “What does the lesson entail, Mr. Sinclair?”

I fucking love sassy Mac. “First, tell me where this is coming from. You seem different tonight.”

I run my hands up and down her thighs and wait her out.

Mac’s eyes trace the movements for a moment before her dazzling smile grows even brighter, and she flashes it right at me.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.”

She drops her hands on mine, stopping my movements. “I saved two lives today. There was a patient with a complication. The baby’s heart rate was bottoming out. The mothers blood pressure was through the roof. So many things were going wrong all at once. It was chaos. But I knew what to do, and they’re both alive tonight because of it. I didn’t have to go into the waiting room and tell a husband that his wife and baby didn’t make it. I got to tell him they’re both going to be fine, and he has a healthy baby girl. I don’t think there’s a bigger high than knowing two people are alive thanks to me.”

“That’s amazing, Mackenzie,” I tell her, awed.

I hit a puck into a net for a living, and this woman saves lives.

“Some days are really good days.” She dips her spoon right into the carton of ice cream, then sucks the mint chip goodness right off it, giving me all sorts of ideas.

“I think a good day should be rewarded, don’t you?”

She licks the ice cream off her lips and digs the spoon back into the carton, while slowly nodding her head.

Oh, I’m going to be using that spoon.

“Lie down, Mac.” I can’t even attempt to hide the need in my voice.

There’s no hiding it. Fuck . . .