“We’ll see. I really am on call.” I take a sip of water and look around. “Dr. Dick at three o’clock.”
Nixon leans his face into mine, and I can only assume it looks as intimate as it feels when his breath skims my skin. “He’s been watching you since we walked into the ballroom. I’ve gotta ask, Mac, if he bothers you this much, why don’t you report him?”
I want to crawl out of my skin. Not just because I hate that he thinks I’m so weak I can’t report Dr. Dick. But also because I don’t want my pity date to know just how much he’s affecting me with barely a touch. “It’s not that easy, Nix. Trust me,” I quietly answer and suck in a breath as his fingers run over my bare back.
“Nothing worth doing ever is,” he murmurs, even closer if that’s possible, and I feel that tiny touch everywhere. “Are you scared of him?”
My words die in my throat as his fingers trail down my spine. “Uncomfortable is different from scared,” I admit on a shaky breath.
“Am I making you uncomfortable, Mackenzie?”
Why is his voice so damn sexy, and why am I finding it hard to speak?
Another head shake.
“Then why are you trembling?” he whispers, his warm breath skimming my ear.
And damn him for noticing.
“Mackenzie . . .” he murmurs, quietly demanding an answer.
“Because it’s been...” I hesitate to finish my thought and luckily don’t have to when Lindy and Easton take their seats at our table. Loudly.
“Hey lady.” Lindy smiles, clearly seeing my discomfort and loving it.
I’m going to kill her.
Easton waits for Lindy to sit next to me before taking the seat on her other side and glaring at Nixon.
Oh no.
“I hear you’re doing my sister a favor, Sinclair.” My brother sounds like every overbearing asshole I’ve ever known, and I roll my eyes. “You two look awful close for just a favor.”
I take it back. I am going to kill him.
But I can’t off them both. I refuse to do that to my niece and nephew.
“You know he is, Easton.” My words are short but fired back at him with heat. “Back off.” I want to crawl in a hole and hide... As if this isn’t humiliating enough.
“I wouldn’t call taking a beautiful woman on a date a favor, Hayes.” Nixon drapes his arm along the back of my chair, daring Easton to say something, and I bring my eyes to Lindy, silently pleading for her to get my brother under control.
Wait... did he just call me a beautiful woman?
“Just keep your hands to yourself, Sinclair.”
“Or what, Hayes?” Nixon asks, no longer sounding friendly.
This is seriously not happening.
Lindy shakes her head at my overprotective turd of a brother, who looks about two seconds from launching himself at Nixon.
Okay. Time to stop this before it starts. I stand and hold out my hand to my pity date. “Dance with me.”
Nixon’s baby blues light up with something that looks a whole lot like victory.
Nix leans in, and his lips skim my ear. “Did you pick that safe word yet, Mac?”
Oh, damn... I think I’m in over my head.