Callen drags his hand over his face in a move that makes him look so much like my dad you’d think Callen was his son instead of his little brother. “Helping out a friend, huh?” He sounds like he believes it as much as I do. “Whatever helps you sleep better at night, man.”
Whatever I’ve got to tell myself... I kick that thought around in my head for a minute.
What the hell am I telling myself?
She needs a friend... I can be a friend. A friend who finds her incredibly sexy.
“Maybe you should try not sleeping alone. Might help with that... problem,” Leo jokes, and if I had something to throw at him, I would.
“I don’t have a problem,” I grind out. “Other than the fact that Callen never answered the question. Maybe he’s the one who has a thing for the smokin’ hot doc.”
Oh yeah. I don’t like the sound of that even a little fucking bit.
“I don’t have a thing for Kenzie. I just don’t want to see you get screwed because you’re screwing around with somebody in the circle,” Callen argues defensively.
“The circle? What fucking circle? Like the circle of trust?” Leo laughs and stretches his arms out like he’s holding an oversized beach ball.
“Leo, man. You’re not that damn dumb. Like our circle of friends. Like one of your sisters’ friends. One of my friends. Your team’s co-captain’s little sister. She’s in the circle. Kenzie being Kenzie makes things complicated. Trust me,” he warns, and my guard goes up.
“You got personal experience with complicated, Uncle?” Leo pushes harder, and I’ve about had enough of this shit.
“It’s not complicated, guys. I’m here to help. And if I need to step aside and let someone else do the helping, then let me know. If not, I’m taking Mac to the event this weekend and making sure Dr. Dick knows not to fuck with our friend. Now, if we’re done talking about this, I’ve got shit to do.” When no one adds anything else, I walk out of the living room into my bedroom, kick the door shut behind me, and face-plant on my bed.
The whole conversation left a sour taste in my mouth.
Not because I mind going with Mac.
More like the idea of someone else being interested makes me feel... something.
Possessive as hell.
All emotions I have no right to feel about this woman. But that doesn’t change them.
Friends, I remind myself as I move the pillow over my head.
She’s my friend.
My stunningly beautiful, incredibly sexy, intelligent friend.
Netflix needs to stop asking if I’m still watching and start refusing to play the next episode until I move the wash to the dryer.
—Kenzie’s Secret Thoughts
Itoss a piece of popcorn in my mouth and tell Netflix, that yes, in fact, I do wish to continue watching the show I’ve been binging for hours and also confirming that, yes, I do not have a life. Why can’t they just accept that I need a brain break, and Stranger Things always does the trick. Especially season one.
My phone pings with a notification that my Chinese food was just delivered to my doorman, so I force myself to pause the TV right before Steve and Nancy are about to have sex. Poor Barb. I throw on my comfy white beach sweater over my tank and slide my feet into my ancient Uggs. It might not be high fashion, but it’s better than my boobs falling out and flashing our doorman, Chadwick. I’m pretty sure that man hasn’t seen boobs in real life since the turn of the century.
My eyes are drawn to Nixon’s door as I wait for the elevator.
Is he home?
Is he alone?