Even though I took her last night, I was stuck under the need to have her again. And again. That was why I woke up hard and eager for her, sliding into her from behind while she slept in.
The moment she came to and woke fully, she wrapped her arms up around my neck and held on tightly as I thrust into her.
Her familiarity with me shouldn’t have mattered. Her lack of protest shouldn’t have made me smile.
“What’s going on?” she purred, her eyes still closed.
I growled at the needy, mildly curious tone of her sleepy, dreamy voice.
Seeing her smile yesterday, so thrilled to have fresh air and sunshine, would be a memory that would stick in my mind for a long time. Hearing her drowsy and relaxed in bed with me like this was another memory that I would hold on to forever.
“I’m telling you good morning,” I replied, grabbing hold of her breast, and she leaned more onto her side and welcomed me in.
She moaned at the deeper angle, arching back to me. Once I found her nipple and pulled it between my finger and thumb, her face broke into a wide smile of pure satisfaction.
This woman. She was a rare gem that I hadn’t counted on finding. Not only did she take what I gave her, but she reveled in it.
I didn’t want to leave her. How could I when I was becoming this addicted?
We came together moments later, and I figured it wasn’t such a hardship to stick around. Other people could handle some of the businesses. I had personally selected and trained the staff at the gym. I had no fights scheduled for myself in the near future. Besides, being near my wife would get me closer to having an heir.
That was the goal, right?
No matter that I was starting to care about her. Regardless of the fact that I wanted her for more than filling her with my cum. Her purpose remained the same. She had to give me a child. And she would. But that didn’t preclude me from enjoying myself while I was at it.
I desired my wife. I wouldn’t deny it, but it was the first time I could admit that. It was the first time that thought didn’t seem ridiculous.
Cara mattered. But I wouldn’t be so stupid as to let her realize it.
We showered together, and by the time we went downstairs for a late breakfast, we’d fallen back into our normal state of arguing. While I wanted to take her right back upstairs and fuck her again, I wanted to see that moment of happiness that she’d revealed to me outside.
She’d seemed so alive, more at home outside and near the animals.
I had a hunch that she was happiest out there, and if I could make her happy, then it was all the more power to me. It felt good to provide a source of pleasure—independent and different from what I gave her in bed.
She was a prisoner in my life, but she didn’t have to be shackled inside my home. If she was more agreeable with a chance to be content in my absence, I saw nothing wrong with that.
So, once we changed and I led her outside, I watched her guardedness slip away the closer we got to the stables. Then when I told her we were going out for a tour of the property here—horseback—she loosened up even more. I could tell she was too cautious to let me see how excited she was, but I noticed. It was impossible for her to hide her reactions and resist smiling.
“When did you learn to ride?” I asked as the stable hands saddled up a couple of horses for us.
She furrowed her brow, watching the man. “No. Hold on.” Stepping forward, she corrected and changed the straps to a more secure knot. “There.”
He nodded, sheepish a bit at having to be corrected.
“What’d you say?” she asked, coming back to my side.
I shook my head. “Never mind.” It didn’t matter. She knew how to handle horses better than my staff did. That told me enough.
“Oh. When I learned to ride,” she said, still watching the stable hands. “Um, when I was five? Maybe six?”
“Your mother provided lessons?”
She shook her head. “Well, I guess.”
I imagined that wouldn’t be an option. She’d given me the impression that she’d lived a hard life, one with poverty and not wealth. How could Nora have afforded horse-riding lessons?
There was still so much that I didn’t know about this sensual, defensive woman, and I hoped that this ride would provide a chance for me to rectify that as much as possible.