They eased out of the building to get where they needed to be.
Nate’s father came in from the opposite hall. “I’ve got Ian and Theo in position.”
“Erin and Li just left.” Nate checked his SIG. “Dais, you’re going to answer now. It’s time. If you have to walk out, you go with your hands up, and the minute I give you the signal, you take cover, all right?”
“I’m supposed to distract them,” Daisy insisted.
“Cry,” his father said, checking his own weapon. “Give them a good cry. It unnerves men sometimes. Don’t worry. We’re going to handle it. Now answer. We need roughly sixty seconds to get into position.”
Daisy answered, and it was the hardest thing he’d ever done walking away from her, but he did it. Somewhere in the Sanctum building there was a whole team with eyes on the area. She had six trained operatives watching her.
“She’s going to be okay, son,” his father whispered as they snuck out of the building, taking the opposite route Li and Erin had. “She’s been in tight positions before.”
“Yes, that’s what scares me.” Nate moved behind his father. “She thinks she can handle anything. I’m worried about what she’s going to think a distraction is.”
He should have stayed with her. Should have ensured she didn’t walk out of the building.
But then he saw the door to the van open and a tall man exit. He immediately turned and had a gun to Devi’s head. In his other hand, he held a cell phone.
The second kidnapper exited the van and stayed at Devi’s back. Naturally he had a gun, too, and it was pressed to Devi’s side.
“That’s right. You come out here and come out alone, and we’ll let your friend go,” the man was saying.
“They’re too close,” his father whispered. “If there were only one of them I would say Boomer can take him out, but if the other guy…”
If the other guy had enough time to pull the trigger, Devi would be gone and her whole family gutted. Daisy would never recover from watching her friend die in front of her.
His heart thudded, but Nate forced himself to remain calm.
“I can see Big Tag, but they can’t. Is there anyone behind the wheel?” Nate asked.
“Can’t tell.” His father’s back was to the wall, clinging to the shadows. “Bloody surprise op. I’m carrying comms from now on. I don’t like not having someone in my ear.”
But Nate knew comms could blow. His father had worked from the cozy comfort of a team with every possible technological advantage. Nate hadn’t gotten comfy yet.
“I don’t see you,” the man was saying as he moved Devi along.
Devi started to stumble, but the second man held her upright, keeping a tight hold on her. “My mother is going to kill you.”
The second man chuckled. “Sure. Your mom. I’m real scared, kid.”
They should be. They had no idea they were about to be surrounded by Taggarts. The only question was could they get the shots they needed without endangering Devi’s life.
“They’re almost where we need them,” his father whispered. “When Boomer takes his shot, I want you to roll out and get into position. We’ll still have one to deal with. You’ll be behind him.”
Nate cautiously looked around the corner while the kidnappers were arguing with Daisy about why she was stalling. They kept Devi in between them. The good news? She was half a foot shorter than one of the men. It would make for an easy shot. The bad? She was as tall as her second kidnapper. She would be an excellent shield for him.
He would have to be careful. So careful.
“She’s coming out,” the taller one said. “I think your friend wants you to… Holy hell.”
Both men stopped and their guns lowered suddenly, their eyes on whatever was happening in front of them.
Was Erin moving in early? He barely had time to register the grin that came across Devi’s face when the tall guy’s head snapped back. Boomer’s aim had been true, but the second guy was a harder target. Nate’s training kicked in. He strode out from behind the building and took the shot because Devi had been able to move away from him slightly. Nate fired, catching the guy in the head and ending the threat.
“Daisy O’Donnell!” Liam jogged over from the outer edge of the parking lot. “You put on some clothes right now.”
What? Nate looked over, and Daisy was smiling wearing nothing but the glorious skin she was born in.