“Of course she knew you.” Her da was unrelenting. “Do you think she would get into the car with a stranger?”

“I mean she’s done it a couple of times.” Devi wasn’t helping.

She’d had reasons for that.

“I think he means in a biblical way, not an ‘I called an Uber’ way,” Uncle Ian snarked.

Nate moved into her space. “Did you know?”

She had to nod but she suddenly couldn’t breathe. He was here and he was staring down at her and he knew. He knew what she’d done. They all would know she’d taken something from him. Something he likely wouldn’t have shared had he known it was her. And then she’d gotten him shot. And no one wanted to protect her because she was trouble. But there was only one answer. “Yes.”

“Then you’ve made your choice and you’ll have to deal with it,” he said in a tone that brooked no disobedience.

Her father said something about not laying a hand on her and her uncle said hands had totally already been lain and her aunt asked if she was okay. She wasn’t. The world kind of went fuzzy and she felt a wash of utter defeat come over her system as her knees gave way.

Right before the darkness took her, Nate caught her, and she was in his arms as the world faded to black.

* * * *

Liam O’Donnell was going to be the worst father-in-law imaginable.

“You let my daughter down this minute, Nathan Carter.” He followed Nate as he carried Daisy to the conference room.

“I’m not dropping my sub,” Nate replied.

“No blood on the carpet, Liam O’Donnell,” Charlotte Taggart said, pointing to Li. She moved in beside Nate. “Are you trying to push him over the edge?”

“Nope. I’m only being honest. It’s a thing he should try.” He was starting to wonder about the real reason none of the Doms at The Hideout would play with Daisy. He had a hunch and it had to do with her father. Maybe Aidan, too, and if he found out Aidan had been warning men off Daisy, they would have a long talk. “Devi, would you get some water for Daisy? Maybe put on a kettle.”

“What would I put a kettle on?” Devi asked. “Also, do we have a kettle? And what would I put in it?”


“I’ll help her,” Erin said. “Come on, sweetie. You can fill me in on what’s happening and we’ll get some tea started.”

“We should call an ambulance,” Liam declared as Nate walked into the conference room. “It’s obvious she’s been injured. She’s probably got a concussion.”

Nate was almost sure she was conscious again. She’d had a bit of a panic attack likely because she was about to have to face the music, and it was obvious she hadn’t been forced to deal with consequences before. It would be different between them.

She’d had every chance to save herself. She could have continued to pretend like she wasn’t Dee. He’d pushed and prodded her, getting a feel for who this woman really was. Anger hadn’t spurred her to make a confession. When he’d told her the night was just okay, he’d seen the hurt on her face. Her own pain hadn’t forced her to drop the act.

It had been his pain.

It was me.

Three words that would prove to be fateful for the little brat because he wasn’t about to let her go now.

“She doesn’t have a concussion.” Nate settled himself into one of the big conference chairs. He cuddled her close and couldn’t miss the way she curled against him. “She’s got a big case of doesn’t want to be here-itis.”

And her lips quirked up slightly.

She was so much fucking trouble, and his dick did not care.

He was pretty sure his heart didn’t either. Falling madly for his friend’s sister hadn’t been the plan, but he was going with it. He could have walked away if he thought she’d truly only wanted him for sex, but she’d clung to him. She’d wanted him as much for the personal connection they’d formed as the sexual one.

His father had told him sometimes a man’s purpose wasn’t a job. Sometimes it was keeping one gorgeous bombshell alive and happy.

“Nathan Carter, you’re fired. Get your things and get the hell out of my office,” her father said.