But nothing had ever sparked him the way Dee did.

“Then I’ll be careful.” He wanted to ask her about her job, but he’d pushed her enough on the question front. It was easy to see the woman was wary. As he had no intention of this being some damn moment out of time, he needed to show her what he could offer.


She wanted D/s sex, he could give it to her.

He eased the corset over her head and set it aside. He pushed her hair back and did what came naturally, running his hands along her shoulders before lowering his mouth to kiss the nape of her neck. “You are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. You walked into the room and there was no one else in it for me.”

A slow breath shuddered through her. “Thank you, Sir. I’m afraid I haven’t been my normal, confident self lately. Thank you for giving that back to me. If it helps, you should know when I saw you in the lounge, I knew you were a tree I wanted to climb.”

The words sent a chuckle through him, and he allowed his hands to move around her torso, cupping her breasts. She leaned back in against him.

He went to kiss her cheek, but the mask was in the way. “Can we get rid of these masks, Dee? I don’t think we need them.”

She went stiff in his arms. “It’s not allowed.”

“We’re alone, and the rules are adaptable.” It was the nature of D/s. They made their own rules.

She stepped away from him. “I want to keep mine, Sir. I’m playing a part tonight, one I don’t ever get to play.”

“It’s not a role. It’s a part of you.”

“It feels very much like a role. I can’t…” she began.

He was pushing when she needed his patience. “Put your hands in front of you. Clasp them together. Like a prayer.”

She hesitated. “Sir…”

“You want to play a role? You’re my sub for the night. I won’t touch the mask. I’ll leave mine on, but it’s nothing more than a flimsy piece of armor, love. You keep it on all you like, but I’ll get underneath your skin. I don’t think you need another club. You simply need the right top. Do as I asked or it’s twenty this time.”

She looked so fucking innocent standing there with her pretty tits on display, still wearing white boy shorts and those fuck-me heels. How did she manage to look like a fucking angel? Her arms came out, and he knew they’d passed the crisis. Now all he had to do was convince Dee.

He took out his rope and began to bind her.

Chapter Five

Daisy took a deep breath, trying to adjust to being hung from a hook in the ceiling. Her feet were barely on the ground, her body strung out like a fiddle the man planned on playing.

He’d taken his time binding her hands together and then easing her on the hook of his choice. He’d stared at her for long moments, making her feel like a work of art.

She’d been so tempted to take off her mask when he’d asked about it. To rip it off and ask him to call her Daisy and to be her Dom forever.

And then she’d remembered.

It was better this way.

He was making her crazy. He was just standing there looking at her.

She started to open her mouth and a brow rose above his eyes, a serious expression that sent her subby self a stark warning.

Her butt still ached. Not in a bad way. In a kind of cool way, but she also wasn’t some hard bottom used to getting her ass smacked for hours. It was the kind of thing a girl worked up to. Training. She needed more training. With him.

Nope. She wasn’t going there. She was going to use this beautiful man and then get away with her whole heart.

And her whole ass.

“Good choice, love.” The words rumbled out of his mouth. He was so sexy standing there in his leathers. The mask made him look slightly sinister, and it did something for her.