All the conversation was pretty worthless considering he was so turned on he was on about to blow his load.
"Addie, baby..." He closed his eyes unable to hold it, but she stopped and climbed off. "What?"
"Sit up." She patted the ledge of the tub.
"What?" He repeated.
"Just do it, hop up." She demanded and he quickly obliged.
Once on the ledge she got on her knees and took his cock in her hands. "What are you—" His head fell back when she began to pump his hardened dick and then put it in her mouth.
"I can't hold it much longer." He groaned.
"Then don't," she mumbled and the reverberation of her husky voice on him was too much and he came hard and fast in her mouth. Between the heat of the tub, the long day he'd had, and the grade-A blow job she'd just given him, he felt drained. She kissed the top of his thigh once before getting up and out of the tub. She wrapped herself in the towel he'd placed nearby and began to walk inside but turned around and looked at him over shoulder and asked, "You coming?" It was flirty and cute and at that moment he knew he was completely fucked because for the second time in his life he was head over ass in love with Adalyn Finney.
"You should really be more nervous," Addie said as she closed the door to his car.
"I'll win them over again," he said, taking her hand in his.
She looked down and pulled away. "What are you doing?"
"Holding your hand."
"We're still on the same page here, right? Good sex that can't interrupt my work. I can't get fired and you and I can't ever be more than—"
She looked panicked and he let out a breath. "Yeah sure. Just sex. Just friends."
She let out a relieved breath. "Okay, cool. Come on, let's go."
The front door opened, and Mrs. Finney walked out looking like an older version of her daughter. He'd never met her, but she was exactly as he pictured her. There was something homely yet jovial about her. "Honey!" she yelled, jogging down the steps to hug her daughter. "You feel too thin." She pulled away and looked Addie up and down. "Yes, too thin. Aren't you eating?" She turned to Gun, who she knew was coming along. "Aren't you feeding my daughter, Gunther McCall?"
With a big smile he answered. "Of course I am, Mrs. Finney."
She let go of Addie and walked over to him. "We finally meet. Even more handsome than on TV. You are definitely eating." She gripped one of his biceps. "Look at all the muscles, good Lord."
"Mom," Addie smiled. "Leave Gun be."
"Come 'ere and give me a hug." She said, and Gunther pulled her into a hug.
Ms. Finney, who looked so much older than he even imagined, walked out of the house with a cane, her back hunched forward. "Is that my niece?"
"Hi Nina," Addie said, enveloping her frail aunt.
"I heard you were coming too, Gunther. It's been too long, honey," she said, pulling him into a very familiar hug. She smelled like home. It was something about the old woman that reminded him of his childhood.
"It is so good to see you, Ms. Finney." His parents didn't hug but the Finneys, they did, indeed, hug. He hugged Ms. Finney so tightly that she came up off the floor just like back then. He felt elated. When he put her down, her eyes glistened. "You hurt my Addie!" She said and with a stern look and an old wrinkled finger pointed at his chest. A complete sudden change that pushed him down ten pegs.
"Aunt Nina, stop that. That was a long time ago."
"Well, you were hurt. And I was too!" She huffed and turned toward the door.
"Mrs. Finney. I'm sorry, I lost contact and that hurt Addie." The woman kept walking.
"You can explain it to my husband," Mrs. Finney, her mother said, as she turned toward the house. Shit. Maybe he had overestimated his charm.