The next morning, still sore and frazzled from last night's romp with Gun, she threw herself into work.
All night, she had dreamed of the last time they'd had sex ten years ago. She had been cleaning the chandelier in the dining room and had been on a step ladder, when he'd walked in. He'd began fingering her right there, on the ladder, in the middle of the room where anyone could just walk in. Part of the excitement of their relationship had been the sneaking around and fear of getting caught. She hadn't realized it at the time because she had been too naïve. When she'd been on the brink of coming, he'd laid her on the dining room table, slid up her uniform and eaten her pussy. The dining room was off to the side of the house and no one went in there, except during meals. But still, it had been careless, risky, and fucking hot. So hot, that dreaming about it made her wet. Five hours later, she was kissing him goodbye at the airport.
After all the sex they'd had the previous evening, she couldn't believe she had to use her vibrator that morning just thinking of the way he ate her pussy on that table.
The day before had been spent with Gun, and that had not been restful. She couldn't stop thinking of how she'd basically jumped him. How he'd shown her he wanted more but she had cut him off and proclaimed it had been just that one night. How he hadn't fought her for more.
And what was that about missing her all these years? She'd seen him with all the groupies and wild parties. There was no way in hell Gunther McCall had thought about her once in the last ten years.
No man had known her body or made it erupt the way he had. Never had she felt that way before, not even all those years ago with him. And the thought of that made her body needy. A need she had to keep locked up because another encounter of the sexual nature with Gun could not happen.
She shut off her computer and looked at the time. She stretched her arms, feeling sore and tired. Addie swiveled her chair around and almost fell forward when she looked up and saw the man she had just resolved to avoid, in all his six- foot-four glory leaning against the door, a mischievous smile on his face, a baseball cap on his head, and his arms crossed over his expansive chest.
"Oh my God," her hand on her chest. "I almost had a heart attack."
"Sorry, 'bout that babe." He pushed himself off, "Ready to go?" He asked as if she was expected to know what he was doing there.
"Did I miss something? Do we have plans?"
He laughed. "Yes. The Tuesday lunch you owe me. That's what you wanted, right? Tuesday. Lunch."
"Seriously? You want to actually have a business meeting? Now?"
"I'm starving. Tino's?" he asked. It wasn't exactly an answer, but it was enough, since she was starving, too. She stood up, grabbed her purse, and closed the door behind her. He didn't take her hand like he'd done the day before, but he stayed close. "Tino's and that's it." She said because she was hungry. That was all. Not because he looked so good. Not because she wanted a repeat of last night. Nope, all she wanted was pizza.
"Of course," he smirked.
She narrowed her eyes at him, but he just continued to walk to the small Italian restaurant down the street.
"I love Tino's," he said.
"Haven't been."
"Well get ready for the best pizza you've ever had." It was interesting that a man that had as much money as he had, a man who'd made it clear he wanted more with her, was taking her to a pizza joint. Not that she was complaining since she loved pizza, and this wasn't in fact a date.
Once they walked in, the smell of garlic assaulted her senses, in a good way. "This reminds me of The Big Pie." she said. The small hole-in-the-wall pizza shop by the college that he used to meet her at after she got out of school late in the evenings.
"I know. I think that's the reason I love it so much," he said. "I hear that The Big Pie was demolished, and a mall was built."
"Really? I have so many memories of that place." She felt crest-fallen.
"Me too," he said. "Simpler times."
Her brows furrowed. "They weren't simple for me. I was working full time, going to school at night, and trying not to get caught by your parents."
"I never saw it that way," he admitted.
"That's because you were eighteen and horny. I was busy and naïve."
"You weren't naïve, and I wasn't just horny. I was in love with you." He added, somberly. "I don't know if I really understood it as it was happening. I think you felt it too, Addie. Tell me."
It was all bullshit. It was like a punch to the solar plexus. In love? God, she'd been over the moon in love with the man, but neither of them had said those words to each other. There was not a moment in her day she didn't think about him. She almost failed that semester because of their little affair.
She looked down at the table and played with the napkin. "I was. Really in love. Like head over heels in love with you."
"Why didn't we say it? What the hell happened?"
She shrugged. "Life happened. You had your trip and I had school. Words weren't going to change that."