Page 19 of The Maid

He grunted one last time before releasing all his weight on top of her, her body collapsed flat on the bed. He moved her hair to the side and kissed the top of her shoulder. "Is this the one and only time, Adalyn?"

She shook her head into the bed.

"Can't hear you, baby?"

"No. I really think we need to do that again."

He chuckled. "Good girl." He said as he stood and lifted her up with him.


Sometime later, after they'd bathed and ended up fucking against the shower wall, they had, once again, ended up on his bed sated.

"So, that was..." she said.

"Out of this world. Fucking-fantastic. Mind-blowing."

She skewed her face. "Was going to say awkward," she said as she rolled off the bed and began to shuffle through the clothes strewn around the room for her dress.

He leaned forward, wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back to bed. She squealed and tried to move but he brought her back against the front of his chest.

"Fuck, woman. You really know how to kill a good time," he said, his breath on her neck. "It wasn't awkward. Why would you call that awkward? I know, first- hand, that you enjoyed it. You enjoyed it about four times."

"Har har. I did enjoy it but now it's all weird." She tried wiggling out of his grip.

"Because you're trying to escape and you're making it weird. Had you done the after-sex spooning thing that chicks always want to do, it wouldn't have been awkward." As soon as he said it, he regretted it.

"Yeah, not awkward at all. Nothing says romance like bringing up your post-coital chick holding routine."

"I wasn't giving you a personal example. If it makes it any better, I never ever cuddle after sex."

"No. Not better."

"This isn't coming out right. I want to with you. We used to hang out after sex all the time."

She squirmed enough to finally free herself from his grip. She didn't run away though. She had slept with him without any delusion of it being more than an itch that needed to be scratched. And a dangerous itch at that—her career was on the line if anyone found out. She turned around, now that there was some space between them, and pulled a pillow up to her chest in order to talk seriously to the man who laid on his side, his head resting on his palm, looking all sorts of relaxed. The complete opposite of her—fidgety self-consciousness.

"Look, Gun. We got caught up in the moment. You can't talk about cuddling or anything more than what just happened."

"Yeah, nope. Try again, babe. We were arguing. It was not just a moment, it was our history. The feelings are still there. I know you feel it."

"No. No! It was the moment. You know...angry sex."

He snorted.

"I'm serious. All that adrenaline, all that heat, we got caught up. Can't happen again."

He rolled his eyes and twisted to his back.

"You're mad?"

"I'm not mad. I'm just..." He let out a deep breath. "I admit to wanting to cuddle for the first time in my life and get rejected."

In a weird way, she felt a surge of victory at that. He had hurt her once already, even if he didn't know he had. This was a small passive-aggressive win, but a win, nonetheless. "Well, playboy, sometimes you don't get the romance and the sex. I'm sure some poor girl somewhere is happy to hear about this ironic turn of events." She playfully threw the pillow at him and then went fumbling around the floor for her clothes.

Once she was dressed, he pushed the sheets off and bent down to grab his jeans from the floor. "No, stay. I'll call a taxi."

He didn't say anything until he was fully dressed and then he cupped her face. "You and I are obviously not on the same page." He placed a soft kiss on her lips. "I’ve thought about you often, Addie. Too often. And after seeing you again last week, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop." He admitted, leaving her confused, and then led her out of his apartment.