Page 16 of The Maid

"Excuse me for a moment," George said once all the plates had been removed from the table.

The moment George was out of hearing distance Addie turned to Gun.

"What the hell has gotten into you?" she hissed. "I'm trying to land a client and you ruined it. I can't get into the important questions, the questions that will have him understanding the importance of the PCPP while you're sitting here."

"Sure you can."

"No, I can't!" She whisper-yelled. "I can't ask him about his finances. It's awkward with you listening in."

"The problem is not that it is awkward. The problem is that you are boring as hell. No offense," he said with a smirk as she scowled at him.

"I don't remember you being such an asshole before."

"I thought we were going to go out on a date tonight." He said instead of acknowledging her statement.

"I don't know why you'd think that. I haven't given you any indication that I'd be interested in going on a date with you and I never agreed on anything tonight."

He leaned closer to her, taking in her flowery scent. She wet her lips with her pink tongue, which was calling to him, and her warm body made him want to slide in closer. "You've given me every indication, Addie. You haven't moved away from me this entire meal."

"That's only because there's no place to go, I'm right by the wall."

"That's bullshit, you've actually moved into me." She looked to her side to see how she was actually sitting a great deal away from the wall. "When I lean in close to you." He got even closer. "Just like this, your throat moves, in and out, like you’re swallowing. Trying to catch your breath or clear your throat. It's a nervous tick. But it has me so hard right now, that I am seriously contemplating taking you to the bathroom, ripping your panties off, and fucking you senseless. I'm sporting a serious hard-on for this temper of yours."

He heard her take a sharp intake of breath and look away. "So the fact that I'm pissed off turns you on? You're a maniac, Gun." She said in the raspy voice that went straight to his dick.

"No, baby. You don't get mad. I remember that, clearly. You have no temper. You are even-keeled as they come. You only get mad at me when you want me. It's your thing. Look, you found out that George isn't interested in your sales pitch and neither are the rest of the guys, they only want in your pants and yet you're not mad. With me on the other hand, you're furious. Why's that?"

"Because you're an asshole."

He ran a finger across her exposed collarbone and down her shoulder all the way down her arm. "An asshole you want to fuck."

"What. Is. Wrong. With. You?"

"That I want you. It's the same as it was the first time I met you. I saw you and knew I had to have you."

She punched his shoulder just as George slid back in. Gun casually placed his hand on her thigh, and she dug her nails into it.

"I want to go. Let me out." Addie again tried to push Gun out, just as George slid back in.

Maybe he'd gone too far. Quickly, Gun settled the check, making sure not to show her the amount. Even though she had been bullheaded by trying to make a point, he knew that if she saw the exorbitant amount spent, she'd beat herself up about it. He chuckled to himself knowing that she'd probably know sooner rather than later, since she—at the moment—had access to all his accounts.

Addie was already standing under the large awning outside the restaurant saying goodbye to George by the time he walked out. It was pouring rain around them.

"Come on!" Gun took her by the hand and pulled her away from the torrential rain.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" She seethed and pulled her hand away and began walking to the curb in order to call a taxi.

"Not the time to be hardheaded. You're getting wet and it's not going to let up anytime soon." He yelled over the thunder.

She didn't answer, instead she looked side to side waiting on a cab he knew wouldn't come.

"Sweetheart, this is Miami. Taxis don't work that way here. You have to call them on the phone and wait. Meanwhile you'll catch pneumonia." He took her hand again and pulled. "Come wait inside my apartment."

She looked around at the empty street as if the decision was still not obvious.

"Ridiculous, woman!" He grunted and picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

"Oh my God! Put me down, Gunther!" She yelled and kicked him. He opened the door and the cold air from the lobby hit his wet body. She must've felt it too because she stopped moving for a moment. "Hey Billy.," He nodded to the security guard as he walked passed him toward the elevator.