Page 27 of The Maid

"Okay, okay, I'm coming." He kissed her cheek, took her hand and they walked out of her apartment together. "You sure you don't want me to take you to work?"

"What part of 'I'll get fired' don't you understand?" she asked. "In fact, why don't you go ahead to your car? I don't want to walk out of my building complex together, just in case."

He rolled his eyes. "You're so exasperating," He kissed her cheek. "I'll meet you at Tino's at seven."

"What? No!"

"Really? You're still going with that one night only angle because I swear to God, Addie—"

"No. It's just you didn't even ask, you just assumed, and I have plans." When his eyes narrowed, she quickly added. "At the office with some clients. Relax, jeez."

"Fine. Your choice, my house after your meeting or yours?"

"How about we skip—-"

"Adalyn," He said with a seriousness she hadn't seen before. "I'm going to be balls deep in you by midnight and by twelve oh three you’re going to be screaming my name. You fucking loved it and I can't even think straight around you, I'm so hard. So, I'll ask again. Your house or mine?"


"Good girl."

She rolled her eyes but couldn’t help smiling. She grabbed him by one of the loops of his belts and pulled him in for a goodbye kiss. “I guess I’ll see you later then.”

“You know it.” He gave her one last kiss, this time on her forehead before walking away. "See you later, Addie, baby."


To say that Addie's day had been rough was an understatement. Kellerman finally agreed on her proposal to expand the program and start extensive seminars for the player. She spent the day planning the courses for the seminars and getting other consultants on board. She made sure that all the speakers understood that it had to be something that the guys wouldn't find too dull, or else they'd doze off. Yet, it had to be actually educational. It had been difficult to put the explicit thoughts of Gun aside and think about work. Then, she had lunch with Whitmore, a notoriously arrogant second-string player who had made it almost impossible to tell him about her services when he spent the entire lunch talking about himself. Then she had a brain storming dinner meeting with Sonia, which had started off relaxing, but then Kellerman and his wife had showed up and decided to join them. That had been stressful in and of itself, especially when he stopped her mid-chew and asked her for a detailed outline on what would be discussed at the seminars. It was seven thirty by the time dinner had ended.

She had three missed calls from her mother and father and had sat in her car for an hour, while her mother recounted all the ways her father was not eating well, and how his blood pressure and cholesterol was extremely elevated and then had been bamboozled into visiting this weekend. Her feet hurt and so did her brain. The only silver lining of her day had been the numerous texts she'd exchanged with Gun and how sweet he'd been, promising her a night of relaxation. Something she highly doubted since the man seemed to have sex on his mind before she'd left him that morning. Not that she could argue with some good sex. Except— wow she was tired.

Gun leaned against Addie's door bone tired. He'd started pre-season training today and the sonofabitch sadist of a coach had worked them out until their muscles shook. All he wanted was a shower and a bed. But, Jesus, watching Addie walk toward her door in that tight skirt and those heels sent his mind reeling.

She reached the door and he pushed off. "Hey, baby," he said as he took the keys from her hand, kissed her forehead, and opened her door.

"Hi," she said with a yawn. "You look as tired as I do."

"I am." He peeled off his shirt. "Shower?"

She nodded and sleepily unbuttoned her top, unzipped her shirt and took everything off. He did the same and then they both took a shower, lathering each other, but too tired to do much more. He turned off the water, wrapped her in the first towel he found and then dried himself. Addie went through her bedtime routine and headed off to bed. He used her toothbrush, found a pair of boxer briefs from his bag, put them on and went to find her, chuckling when he saw her face planted on the bed.

He pulled back the covers, picked her up, and slid her into the bed. He slid in behind her, wrapped a leg over her hip, an arm around her waist and the last thing he remembered was: When's the last time I just slept with a woman?

The answer was easy: Ten years ago, with Adalyn Finney.

The next morning, Gun woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. He padded to the kitchen and wrapped his arms around, Addie. "'Morning. How'd you sleep?" she asked.

"Great. You?"

"Really good." She turned off the stove and tuned in his arms. "Really really good, actually."


"Yeah. Sorry I conked out on you, though."

"It's cool."

"Is it?" She said as she turned back around and portioned the food onto plates. "I mean, I'm sure you were probably expecting something sexier and instead you got a girl in a coma."