Even more annoyed than George was Addie, whose beautiful white skin was now pink, her tell that she was fuming. He remembered that so clearly. How her skin blotched when she was angry. Damn it, how he remembered that. In the highest heels he'd ever seen, she yanked the phone from George's hand. "Go on, get in the damn photo. I'll take the picture."
"Isn't that nice of you, Addie."
"Addie?" George said but Adalyn rolled her eyes and gestured for them to pose so that she could snap a few photos.
Once the kid had gotten the pizza box autographed by both men and then a few other people who'd also noticed the pro-footballers also got signatures and photos, Gun was ready.
"Okay, I'm all good. Let's go."
With hands on her waist, she huffed, "You can't eat here wearing that."
"Wanna bet?"
“Fine, even assuming you can, I think George was just being nice when he invited you. We need some privacy."
Gun's eyes narrowed. "No, you don't." He said. "I owe George for the Pyramid disaster the other night when he had to cover the bill. Good a time as any."
"It's cool, man. You don't owe me a thing," George quickly replied.
"Yeah, I'm sure I don't. Bet you got some great piece of ass that night. You should probably be paying me." He slapped the man's shoulder. "Isn't that right man?"
George scowled at Gun, but Gun didn't give a shit. She needed to know what a player George really was. "Oh, wait, my bad, buddy. Pieces of ass or pieces of asses? What's the correct way of saying threesome?" Gun shrugged. "No matter. Come on, I'm starved." He knew he was being an asshole, a cock-blocking asshole, actually. But whatever…he didn't care right now. Better to apologize later than ask permission now, right?
He walked in front of them, when both stood shocked at his crass behavior.
"Joline, honey, how are you?" he said when he saw the usual hostess. This was, after all, his favorite restaurant and one he frequented often. A lot of it had to do with the fact that it was downstairs from his apartment building.
"Gun, hon, how are you?" She came around the podium and kissed both cheeks. "Just you this evening?"
He stepped aside and pointed at Gun and Addie. "No. It'll be three tonight."
"Let me have them add a chair and place setting at your usual table. Give me a sec."
"Looks like you've slept your way through this restaurant too," Addie muttered under her breath when Joline walked away. George was busy texting and seemingly unaware of much of the conversation. "I don't appreciate your highhandedness," she quietly added.
"I live right upstairs. Eat here all the time," he said. "I find it very enlightening that you're jealous though." His breath inches from her skin.
"Me?" Her voice a little higher pitched than she probably intended. She cleared her throat. "You're the one that interjected yourself into my dinner date."
"He invited me. Didn't want to be rude."
"Oh my God, you're insufferable. He invited you because he didn't want to be rude. You were rude by accepting."
He shrugged. "Tomato, tomahto."
The hostess came back to escort them to his usual table. Addie walked ahead of him and he took the opportunity to look at her. She looked absolutely delicious in that tight-fitting dress. He didn't remember her legs being so shapely and defined back then, but they were definitely the legs of someone who jogged or did some sort of athletic activity. They were fucking sensational in those mega-high heels.
Addie sat down in the booth first, but the little spitfire didn't slide all the way in and there was no way in hell he'd be squishing into a booth with George.
"You think you can move over, honey?" He asked but she didn't budge. He leaned down, "How 'bout this. You move that beautiful tight ass over, or I'll pick you up and move it for you," He whispered as George obtusely slid into the other side of the booth.
She scowled, before sliding as far to the end as possible. He chuckled before shuffling into the booth, as close to her as possible. He turned his head and gave her his mega-watt smile as she rummaged in her purse. "So, Addie, tell me, can I afford dinner tonight?" Before she could answer he turned to George. "Word of advice, don't sign the contract that says she will control your spending. It's a buzzkill to any kind of fun."
She took a black tube out of her purse, with a small mirror in one hand, and her pink tongue peeking out between her lips, she applied the brightest shade of red lipstick he’d ever seen. The process was hypnotizing, and the color contrasted severely, yet beautifully, with her fair skin. When she was done, she smacked her lips together, closed her small mirror and put it back into her purse. "Yep. I’m a huge buzzkill.” She said, with those full, shiny red lips reminding him of all the things that mouth used to do to him.
Glaring at him, she opened her menu and after a moment she loudly closed it shut just as the waitress came to place the order. He snorted when she ordered duck pate as an appetizer, not one but two lobster tails for dinner and a bottle of the most expensive wine on the list. Once the server walked away, she said, "Yeah, you can absolutely afford this tonight."
She was pissed. And he was turned the fuck on.