“Make it stop! Please make it stop! It hurts!” Marion screamed, blood dripping from his nose and eyes. I breached the circle and wrapped my hands around him. The immense pain he was feeling hit me. Damn, it was gut wrenching. My mate was basically going through unimaginable torture. I bonded with him, hoping I could share in his pain.
“Make it stop!” He continued to scream. As a wolf blood I could manipulate pain and use the energy I drew from it to improve my enhanced abilities. But this time, it was completely different. The pain was torturing, stronger than any human emotion I had ever felt. Of course, I wasn't human, so the torment felt even way worse. Heart wrenching. What hurt the most was that I wasn't able to take it from him. I couldn't take the pain, but I shared the pain, so it wouldn't overwhelm him. Tears rolled down my cheeks just when Marion’s thrashing stopped, and a sudden stillness swept through the room, leaving a chill to settle in the air. “Marion? Are you okay?”
“I said I could handle it.” Marion cried with regret in his eyes as he relaxed in my arms. He wasn't moving. Marion just sat in my arms. He trembled in my arms as tears slipped from his eyes. “It wasn't as painful as it used to be. Thank you for helping me.” He wept.
“You are okay now.” I lifted him from the floor and took him back to the bed. I lay him on the soft sheets and cupped his cheeks in my hands, hushing him.
“Sh, you'll be ok.”
“Denzel, I need to tell you something.”
“We can discuss it later. I need you to rest up. I'll put our things in the car.” I reassured him. He smiled and bobbed his head. He was fine from what I could see, but I couldn't help but notice a flicker of doubt in his eyes, like he was keeping something from me. When he noticed my lingering gaze, he turned away. Something was definitely wrong. Something he wasn't comfortable to tell me, and I wouldn't force him to disclose anything to me, neither would I use the power of the mating bond to read his mind. Knowing that you were going to die wasn't something to look forward to, so I understood the frustration. Take it from someone who had almost crossed over to the land of the dead as well.
I left the room in the motel with our bags and boxes, walked out onto the balcony. The skies were in a crystal blue color with the sun splashing its rays from the horizon. Sighing, I took the stairs, moving down to the open field. I sauntered toward the car adjacent to the compound, unlocked the trunk, and put the boxes in it. I returned to the room and saw Marion sitting on the bed. “Maybe we should stay a little longer.”
“I’m fine, Denzel. We have to keep moving. I don't have time. It could happen in the next hour.” He declared with fear in his eyes.
“Alright. Come on, can you stand?”
“Yes, yes. I can.” He rose to his feet, and I held him for support as we left the room.
We headed downstairs and walked to the parking lot in silence. I helped him into the car and joined him at the driver’s side. I ignited the engine, driving out of the premises and keeping my eyes on him to ensure his safety. The view of the path changed from forest trees and blue skies to more buildings as I navigated my way to the highway roads, moving into the city.
In a few hours, we made it closer to our destination. There were lots of buildings, people walking down the streets and alleys, fewer trees and more houses as far as our eyes could see. I drove about half an hour before we arrived at the penthouse. The building was among the tallest in the center of the city. I moved into the parking space, pulled the car over, and we both alighted from the vehicle. Taking out our bags and boxes from the trunk, we headed straight to the building’s entrance. I clarified with the receptionist, and she handed the key cards to us. We took the elevators and headed straight to the last floor of the building. As the door claddings of the elevator pulled open, we both stepped into the living room. There was an unfathomable look of surprise in Marion’s eyes. From that, I could tell he had never seen a place like this. Poor boy had spent his entire life on the run and neglected that he wasn't able to enjoy these things. Well, that had changed now. He was with me. I promised myself that I would give my mate the best life possible. “Welcome.” I said.
“This is… you could actually see the entire city from here.” Marion said, extremely excited. He hurried to the floor to the ceiling windows opposite from us and glanced over at the sky blue horizons. I could tell this was the most beautiful scene he had seen except for my cock. He walked onto the balcony through the little exit and smiled as he saw the cars in the streets. I followed him to the balcony, sharing in his excited spirit. He turned on his heels and walked right into my arms.
“I, I’m sorry for the over excitement.”
“Oh, come on, Marion. I would never make you feel less for feeling. Anyone who does that to people doesn't deserve to exist.”
“Thank you for all of this.”
“So, do you want to meet the witch now?”
“Not really. We scheduled it for the evening. Besides, I want to do another spell. Promise it won't hurt this time.” He said, and I gave out an exasperated sigh, knowing it would be pointless to argue.
“What kind of spell?”
“It’s actually a spell on you. A protection spell.”
“Hmm. I don't need a protection spell, Marion.”
“Just trust me, ok?” He said, and I finally agreed.
“Now come on, let's relax in the living room. You'll prepare for the spell while I make you a beautiful breakfast.”
“Sure.” He nodded. I kissed him, and we returned to the living room.
Pulling off my jacket, I tossed it on the couch, and I moved to the kitchen, which was opposite the parlor. I pulled up the sleeves of my shirt and set up the counter with the ingredients of the meal I was cooking. I made everything I knew how to cook; pancakes, waffles, fruit salad, carbonara, and juice. When I was done, I set up the dining table and invited my mate to join me.
“This is all so good. I didn't know you knew how to cook.” Marion said as he sat next to me.
“My hands are very talented.” I leaned closer to his ears and whispered each word to him.
“And I’m a testament of the work of your hands.” Marion smirked as he trapped my lips in a kiss.
“Hmm. I could take you right here on this table if you don't stop.” I added in a deep tone. My length was already straining against my thighs, and I wondered how long I’d hold out.