Page 18 of Savior Mate

“Don’t worry. I’ll explain everything to you,” I told my mate, and sneered at the witch as she sauntered away. Denzel joined me back in the seat and peered at me, eager to know what was happening. Of course, he must have figured out something was wrong. Thank the goddess, he hadn’t used the bond to read my thoughts. “She gave me a location to meet up with her tomorrow.” I lied. It was like a half truth as I knew the actual location we’d meet up.

“So what are…? Aren’t you excited this will be over for you?”

“Yes, I am, but can we just go home?” I muttered and rose to my feet, leaving the pub as quickly as I came.

I entered the vehicle and waited for Denzel to join me. I was tired of keeping the truth from him. I loved him and wouldn’t let anything happen to him, so I would tell him everything and figure out a way to save my sister from Sigrid. When he arrived, I turned away from him and leaned against the exit door, gluing my eyes in the mirror. What was I going to do? It was better to tell him everything and just be over with it. I could lose him. True. But keeping this from him until the last day would even be more disastrous. What the hell got into me? Manipulating my way into making people believe I was having these episodes for the past twelve years, whereas it was all a lie. Not that it was completely a lie. Yes, I had the episodes, but it only started about six months ago, when I lost my sister and made a deal to keep her alive.

I didn’t realize we had arrived at the penthouse until Denzel leaned closer to touch me, but I shrugged off his hands and hurried out of the vehicle. I didn’t stop walking, nor did I look back until I had walked back to the top of the penthouse. Halting in the room, I released a frustrated groan, clenching my fists by my side as tears rippled from my eyes. Denzel was right behind me, and he carefully laid his hands on my shoulder as he tried to comfort me, but I shrugged him off in anger. “Just stop it. Stop touching me, ok?”

“Is there anything I should know, Marion?”

“It was all a lie, ok?”

“What? What are you talking about?” He stuttered as fear crept into his eyes.

“It was all a fucking lie. The episodes, the bloodline curse. I manipulated everyone to believe that I had a problem, but it wasn’t. I’m sorry, Denzel. They were going to kill you, and I couldn’t let them. I’m in love with you, and I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.”

“You lied to me,” Denzel muttered as he tried to make meaning with my words. “You…I trusted you! I was willing to lay down my life for you, and all this was a joke.”

“No, it wasn’t. I can explain.”

“Enough of your lies, Marion!” he roared at me; his eyes gained their golden glow, and I stepped backward as fear pulsed through me. “I promised to protect you, to die for you, and you couldn’t even be honest with me. How could you do this? I knew this was too good to be true,” he shook his head. “Were your affections a lie too?”

“Denzel, I can explain. There’s more to the story…” Tears strung from my eyes, streaming down my cheeks.

“And you think that if you had been straight with me all this while that I wouldn’t have come. You’re my mate, mine to protect and care for. I would have done anything for you in place of your honesty and loyalty.” He declared as tears rolled down his cheeks. Seeing my mate cry because of me broke my heart and the pain stronger than what I felt during my episode coursed through me. How could I have been this stupid? How could I have broken his heart? All this was my fault. He would have helped me if I had been truthful to him right from the beginning.

“Denzel, please.” I tried to walk closer to him, but he shook his head, asking me to stay back.

“Leave,” he said, trying to keep himself calm. “I said, leave!” He roared.

“Please, I have nowhere else to go. My sister’s life is in danger, and you’re my only hope.” I tried to reason with him. Tears rolled down my cheeks, not because I was trying to play a victim or anything, but because I hurt the man that I loved. Goddess, would he even believe that I still loved him?

“I said go! Before I do something I’ll spend the rest of my life regretting.” Denzel continued with rage in his eyes.

I hurried to the bedroom and returned to the parlor with my things. He was standing there, still in tears, unmoving, and I walked up to him and pulled him into an embrace. He didn’t reciprocate. I didn’t feel that rush of emotions I did when I held him. He was just cold. “It is real, and I’m truly sorry.” I wiped off the tears in my eyes as I walked to the exit. I was about to enter the elevator when I heard his voice.

“Where will you go?”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. I walked in with an aching sigh escaping my lungs. When the doors finally closed and Denzel was out of view, I broke down and cried like I had never done my entire life.



I knew there was something more. He was going to hand me over to the witch like I was some young adult bargain. I couldn’t even look at him as he said every word to me. All I ever wanted was someone who would be honest with me, as my former mate was none of those things. And I thought I had gotten it, but it was all a lie. Marion was just manipulating me for his own end, but he mentioned something about his sister. Damn it, I shouldn’t have sent him away. He had nowhere else to go. Did his actions deserve a second chance? Did he love me enough that I’d let him into my heart the second time? I didn’t even know what to do anymore. Goddess, I love him so much that I just couldn’t bear the thought of losing him, even after this. But how was I sure that he had it under control? I couldn’t lose him or let him lose his sister as well.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration, completely overwhelmed by the thoughts in my head. I slammed my fist into the table in front of me. Lifting the stool, I tossed it across the floor, breaking everything in my path and turning the living room into a mess. I hoped it was just enough to satiate the unbearable pain of betrayal and anger I felt toward him.

I slumped down to the floor and my shoulders shook as tears trickled down my cheeks. I wasn’t sure if I had ever opened my heart to anyone the way I opened my heart to Marion. No one had ever made me feel this level of emotion my entire life, and I was just going to lose it over a mistake? A life threatening mistake. But again, what was not worth dying for was not worth living for. I cared about him, and I still do.

Instead of carrying the burden of the gloomy thoughts, I rose to my feet with the car keys and proceeded to the elevator. I had to find him before he walked into those filthy witches’ ensnare. As the door opened, I saw the blonde woman we met in the bar earlier. I backtracked as my eyes gained their golden glow, knowing full well what she was capable of and that she might be the reason Marion got entangled in this. “What did you do to him?”

“Nothing. I see he’s already told you the truth, hasn’t he?”

“Get out of my way.”

“Do you really think you have the upper hand against a witch?” Sigrid smiled, declaring a telekinetic spell that knocked me over. I stumbled down into the living room and circled back in my wolf form. A growl rumbled in my throat as I bared my fangs and leapt toward her. I slammed her into the floor and buried my fangs into her shoulder, causing her to let out a yelp. I raked my claws against her arm, dealing her a deep claw mark and having to watch her deal with the pain before she was able to defend herself with a telekinetic spell. I collided against the floor and struggled to stand back as Sigrid regained her stance—she grunted and made a twisting motion with her hands, breaking my bones as she walked closer. She cleared the distance between us quickly and murmured, “Nighty, night, wolf,” as she slammed her boot into my face, sending me into oblivion.