“You should ask mom for Christmas.” Tyler nodded
“Think so?” Reaching into my inner coat pocket, I take out the ring box and set it on the table.
Cooper and Sammy walked over and joined us with their drinks.
Sammy narrowed her eyes. “What’s in the box?”
“What’s in the box?” Cooper imitated Brad Pitt from Seven.
Sammy looked over at him and shook her head. “Something is seriously wrong with you.”
“Richdad is gonna be our dad.” Grady sat forward and loudly whispered it as though it were a secret.
“That’s really cool, little man. Everyone needs a good dad.” She half smiled as she leaned her head against my brother’s shoulder.
“You boys can open the ring box.” I nodded to it.
Harrison picked it up and lifted the lid. “Oh, mommy loves green.”
“Lemme see?” Sammy leaned around and gasped. “Holy hell, that’s cool!”
“Hell’s a bad word, Sammy.” Grady twisted his lips.
She shrugged and looked at Cooper. “Nothing?”
Coop shrugged. “You could say worse.”
“It looks old timey.” Tyler scrunched his nose.
“It was our grandma’s.” My brother offered me his fist for a bump. “I think Jo’ll really like it.”
“Will that make us related to you?” Grady smiled and batted his eyes at Sammy.
Sammy sat back, deep in thought for a moment, and then nodded. “Yeah. We’d be cousins. Right, dad?”
Cooper’s mouth fell open, and I laughed. “Well, now we know how to shut Coop up. Yes, Sammy, you all would be cousins.”
“Shit.” Tyler shook his head. “Now I can’t marry you.”
We all busted out laughing and finished our snacks. There was shopping to be done, and after we planned a movie night. Time to get back to it.
“I’ve had five kids. I cannot wear that.”
Libby tilted her head. “Why not?”
“This body is not meant for sexy lingerie anymore.” I shook my head.
“Ugh.” Libby pulled me into the store, then took over the stroller. “Pick something festive.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“The hell I’m not.” She cocked her hip out and placed her hand on it. “Richard loves you. Every bump, cut, scar, stretch mark on your body. So honor that. Pick out something sexy and we’ll keep the kids.”
“You’re like the sister I never had.” I sniffled as I looked around the store.
“I love you like one.” She held up a pink babydoll. “What about this?”