I couldn’t stop shaking. The medics were doing their thing, and I felt torn between my dad and Richie. I looked out the picture window and saw them leading him to the back of a police car. And Johnny went inside another one.
Holding my head and my stomach, I belted out a primal scream, ending it with vomiting on the floor. Hands rubbed my back, then helped me to the bathroom. I kept my eyes closed and let them lead me.
Once inside, I heard the door snick closed, and they helped me sit on the closed toilet. The water ran and soon a cool cloth was cleaning my face.
“Your babies are safe.” Olivia spoke softly.
My hand trembled as I reached up and grabbed hers.
“Mama Jean, Jeremy, Andrew, and Cooper are with them. I came to get the diaper bag and anything else we might need for the next few days.”
“But …”
She crouched and looked into my eyes. “We’re family. We take care of each other. Let’s get you ready to head to the hospital. You focus on your dad. We got the kids.”
“This isn’t a dream?”
She stood back up and brushed my hair. “Nope. This is a fucking nightmare, but we’ll get through it.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
She helped me stand, got me undressed and into the shower, then brought me clean clothes. Libby even ensured that I’d rinsed all the soap from my hair. The way a sister would and she was like a mind-reader anticipating my needs.
“I get the feeling you’ve done this before.”
She busted out laughing. “Have you met my sister Cora? I did this for her all the time.”
I laughed with her and found it easier to breathe. She watched me as I shut the water off.
“I think you got it now.” She offered me a towel.
“I hope so.” Nodding, I wrapped the towel around myself, feeling numb.
She gave me a wink. “I’ll meet you out there.”
She slipped from the bathroom, and I took a deep breath. I needed to get dressed and face the police to give my statement. Then I needed to go check on my kids. From there, I’ll head to the hospital and then, at some point, I’ll call and see if I can bail Richard out.
Coming out of the bathroom, I smelled fresh coffee. I followed the scent and found an officer sitting at the kitchen table with Olivia.
“Here she is Officer Campbell.”
“Thanks for the coffee.” He lifted his cup.
“My pleasure.” She smiled.
She poured a fresh cup, handed it to me with a hug. “We’ll see you when you’re done.”
“Thank you.”
“I told you, we’re family. It’s what we do.”
She picked up the diaper bag, a duffle bag, and a small box of toys and headed out the door. Richard was the one who made me feel like everything would be okay, and now? Now I felt like I was part of a big, wonderful family.
“Hello, is it Jolynn Evans?”