“This was Grandma’s.”
“I know. Now it’s yours.”
“Mom, I don’t know what to say.”
“There’s nothing to say, silly. At least not to me.” She looked at me pointedly. “Just remember when you ask …”
“I’m asking them all.”
“Oh! I’m a grandma.” Happy tears fall from her eyes. “I’ve got Samantha, Layla, and now five more. Christmas is going to be wild!”
The front door opened, and we heard someone coming in. A moment later, Olivia and Sammy came into the kitchen.
“Good morning.” Olivia smiled. “Thank god there’s coffee.”
“Morning, Nana.” Sammy clung to Libby’s side. “Hi, uncle Richard.”
“My beautiful granddaughter.” Mom got up and went around the table to hug the girl. “Would you like to learn how to bake a pie?”
“Like? For real?” Sammy’s lips twisted as she tried not to smile.
“Absolutely.” Mom took her hand. “You can help with anything you’d like or go watch TV.”
“No.” Sammy finally smiled. “I wanna help.”
Libby winked at me before coming around the table to sit by me. “So? Why do you look like you just watched Steel Magnolias?”
“Wait.” Mom stopped moving and turned around. “You?” She pointed at me. “Watched a chick-flick?”
I playfully glare at Libby. “Had to out me?”
She gave a shrug and took a drink of her coffee. “What gives?”
“He made me a grandma.” Mom turns back to the counter. “We need to peel some apples.”
She gets Sammy set up as Libby stares at me. “Why did you wait so long to tell her?”
“I just learned this summer.” My hands wrap around my mug for warmth.
“So Harrison is a rainbow baby?” She smiled.
“What’s a rainbow baby?” Sammy turned partially to see us.
“It’s when you have a live birth after a miscarriage.” Libby frowned.
Sammy smiled bigger. “Harrison loves rainbows.”
“Which reminds me. Mama Jean, I found the most amazing rainbow teddy bear with a pink heart that I think he’d love for his new room.”
“Yes! When we go shopping tomorrow, we’ll get some housewarming gifts too!” Mom’s eyes twinkled mischievously.
Cooper and Jeremy came stumbling into the kitchen, heading for the coffee, and Libby slipped between them to make a fresh pot.
With all of us in the kitchen, conversations were happening everywhere all at once while we pitched in and helped mom get everything ready.
The chaos felt amazing, and I realized how much I’d really missed my baby brother. Seeing him and Libby together, I knew I could never see him with anyone else.
Jeremy cleared his throat as he grabbed a deck of cards and shuffled. “I invited Andrew.”