Page 70 of Shattered Dreams

“Pit too?” Grady asked.

“Yep. Pit too.”

“Then what?”

“Now we’re gonna do our chests and neck. After that, try to get as much of your back as you can. Then face the wall.”

We all faced the side wall. “One leg up, scrub it. Then do your other leg.”

“Now what?”

“Now, you boys wait your turn for a moment. Let’s all turn and face the back wall.”

The boys turned and while they’re faced away; I washed my junk, ass, hair, and face. Reaching out, I grabbed a towel and stepped out.

“Alrighty, Harrison, you’re up.”

He moved toward the water.

“You need to wash and rinse your face.”

“Like this?”

“Yep, now rinse.”

He seemed to have trouble, so I stuck a hand in and helped move the soap off with water.

“Now you need to scrub up your privates, including your bum.”

“Got it.”

“Rinse well, then do your hair.”

“Um, Richdad?”

“Yes, son?”

“I need help with my hair.”

“Me too.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“I can do that.” I got the shampoo and scrubbed up Harrison’s head, then helped him rinse. “You’re out.” I held up a towel for him. “Go dry off.”

“My turn?”

“Yep. C’mon, Grady.”

I took him through the steps, got him out, and then took Tyler through. The boys all stood at the sink brushing their teeth and I joined them.

Once we have that done, I grabbed my deodorant, and all three boys held up their arms.

“We don’t wanna stink.”

Laughing, I rubbed a tiny bit on each pit and then we exited the bathroom to get dressed. I went back over to the other bedroom, grabbed my clothes, and used that bathroom.

This time, I remembered to lock the damn door.