After crying myself to sleep last night, I woke with a monster headache. The kids are all being loud and my dad isn’t helping.
I changed out of my jammies and into shorts with a tank top. Richard and I are going to have it out.
Send my damn van to the junkyard. Pfft. Motherfucker.
“Morning, Dad, have they eaten?” I asked as I entered the kitchen.
“Yep. And they’re all wound for sound.” He sniffed and read his newspaper.
“C’mon, kids, we’ve a man to see about a van.” I got my sandals on and grabbed the diaper bag. “We’ll be back later.”
“Fine.” Dad huffed and shook the newspaper.
Not today. I’m not fighting anyone but Richard today.
I loaded the kids up trying not to be irritated with them for being excited to see Richard.
They love him, that’s not a bad thing.
Getting into the driver’s seat, I cranked the radio up after I started the car and blasted the a/c. The shop was only twenty minutes from home. I could handle the overwhelming happiness until we got there.
My kids have only known him for around a month. How the hell have they attached themselves that fast?
Maybe because he pays attention to them?
I really wished my brain would stop answering the questions my heart had. If this kept up when we got to the shop, I’d run into his arms and kiss him.
Kissing’s good. His lips are soft.
“Mama, do you think Richard’ll let us see the shop?” Grady waved his arms around like a balloon man.
“It’s probably not safe for kids.” I shifted my eyes to my rearview mirror to see his face.
Tyler had his head tilted. “Hims won’t let us hurt.”
My son’s words gutted me, and I realized I had to face the music. The kids formed an attachment to a man who would never do anything to hurt them, a man who would love them.
Yeah? And what happens when you tell him your secret? It’s not just your heart on the line, Jolynn.
I fucked up.
“Are you okay, Mama?” Harrison had a worried look in his eyes.
Nodding, I made the turn to the access road for the shop. “I will be, baby.”
I drove into the spacious parking lot and took a spot beside his truck. “Do not go tearing into the shop.”
“Yes, Mama.” All three boys deflated some while they unbuckled.
Harrison helped me out by unbuckling Briar and I got Emma. Together, we entered the main office, where Libby stood at the counter.
“Hey guys!” She beamed at us. “How’s your day?”
“Issa good, but we wanna see the shop.” Grady stepped over towards her.
She tapped her fingers on the counter. “The shop is pretty cool. But only employees can go in there.”