I drove home in my cold wet sticky boxers. Remembering how tight her hand gripped me overrode any discomfort I felt.
Every stroke, finger movement and change in tension had me losing control as though I was a teenager again.
Who knew you could still find excitement in that old treehouse?
On my drive back to the shop, I took notice of all the houses for sale. Nice family houses with decent yards.
Whoa! Slow down there. She’s not divorced yet. She may not want to pursue something with me. I might be the rebound schmuck.
Lost in thought, I drove around to the back of the shop, narrowing my eyes when I saw her ex leaning against a strange car that didn’t belong to us.
I parked and got out of my truck. “Need something?”
“Yeah.” He spat tobacco juice on the ground. “You to back off my wife.”
I nodded, pressing my lips together. “You must be John.”
“I am.” He balled his hands into fists. “My kids have a dad.” He pointed to his chest. “Me.”
“Well.” I shrugged. “It takes more to be a dad than screwin’ their mom.” I winked at him, watching as his nostrils flared.
“You think you know me, motherfucker?” He took a step towards me. “You only know what that fat bitch is saying about me.”
I gave my beard a scratch. “I think you need to leave my property.”
“Why don’t you make me?” He puffed up his chest.
Nodding my head, I pulled out my phone. “Sure thing.” I gave him another wink as I typed out a quick message to Jeremy. Then I made a call with the speaker on.
“Nine one one, what’s your emergency?” My brother’s smooth voice flowed out.
“Yes, I have someone on my business property, that is trespassing. I asked him nicely to leave and I feel they may need some help.”
“You dumb motherfucker.” He growled, got into his car, slammed the door, and cranked the engine. He spun his tires as he left, flipping me off as he drove off.
“They gone?” Jeremy chuckled.
“Who’d you piss off?”
I heard Cooper in the background. “Do we need to go kick ass?”
“Jo’s ex.” I chuckled. “Tell the Marine to stand down.”
“Can do.” Cooper grumbled.
Jeremy stopped laughing. “Maybe you should come stay at mom’s tonight?”
“Nah. I’ll be okay.” I blew out a sigh. “He thinks he’s big shit, but he’s not.”
“Want us to come stay with you?”
A smile stretched across my face. I loved my brothers. “Thanks, but I’m good.”