Page 13 of Shattered Dreams

“Where’s my boys?”

“Still outside playing.”

“Why are you inside? You sitting on your fat ass while they’re outside alone?”

It finally hits me he’s drunk.

“Lynn. I asked you something.”

“I had to pee.” I grumbled out. “We’ll be home tomorrow.”

“You’ll be home tonight.” He screamed. “Don’t make me come get you.”

“Okay, John.” I pressed my lips together and rolled my eyes up, hoping to stop the tears. “We’ll see you later.”

“Don’t forget to stop at the damn store.” He disconnected the call, and I dropped my head to the table, bawling.

“Jolynn Whitman.” Mom scolded. “How long are you going to allow yourself to be treated this way?”

“You don’t get it, Mama!” I sat up. “If I leave, he’ll come after us. And I can’t take the chance that he’d hurt my children or you or even dad!”

“Jo …” Dad pushed away from the counter.

“No!” I yelled through the snot dripping down my lips. “He’s starting a new job and he’ll be better. He just gets this way when he’s out of work.”

“Jolynn …” Mom started.

I get up from the table. “Sorry, I can’t do this today.” Shaking my head, I gather up the boy’s things. “I’ll see you later.”

“Jolynn, your mama’s got cancer.” Dad yelled as I left the room.

I stopped in the small hallway and slammed my head against the wall. “How long?” When neither of my parents answered, I rolled around the corner and looked between them. “How. Long?”

“We don’t know yet.” Mom wiped tears from her wrinkled face.

“Keep me posted and I will do what I can when I can.”

She got up and came over, wrapping her arms around me. “I love you, baby girl.”

“I love you too, Mama.” I hugged her back, and we cried on each other’s shoulder.

2 years later


He quit his job. Again. I can’t even fathom what he was thinking, or forget he did this six months ago. And three months before that.

I slammed the spatula down and stormed over to the fridge. As I yanked the door open, the top shelf decided that was the perfect time to come off and a jar of grape jam dropped on my foot.

“Shit!” I lifted my leg and gave my foot a shake, trying to make the pain go away as the baby inside me kicked hard.

Letting go of the door, I rub my belly absent mindedly.

“Mom!” Grady yelled from across the house. “Harrison keeps stepping on my head!”

“Grady won’t get his head off my pillow!”

I felt my nostrils flare as I turned my head to look at the one cup of coffee I was allowed per day and debate drinking it.