Page 85 of Shattered Dreams

Inspecting the cut, it doesn’t look deep enough to need stitches. “So, your dad is over at your grandpa’s?”

His little head bobbed up and down. “He yelled lots.”

A dark pit formed in my stomach. “Where’s Harrison, Grady, Briar, and Emma?”

His speech is messed up, and I could feel how rattled he was.

“Har-son said they hide. I get help.” He threw his arms around me. “I scared.”

I gave him a full squeeze and pulled back, letting my mom take my place. “Stay with Grandma.”

“’kay.” He sniffled.

“I’m going to go get your brothers, sisters, and mama.”

The words barely left my mouth when a loud bang had everyone in the room jumping, and Cooper hit the floor.


That was a gunshot.

“Give Coop some space.” I called over my shoulder as I ran out of the mudroom to the backyard.

I heard someone behind me, but there was no time to look back. That was a gunshot, and I prayed my family was okay.

Hopping the fence, I heard Jeremy speaking.

“I’m going to look for the broken window and find the kids. Libs is calling 9-1-1.”

I waved him off and checked the backdoor into the garage. I twisted the knob and there’s no movement.

“Dammit!” I dashed around to the front of the house and saw the screen door closed, but the wood door was open.

I ripped open the screen door and Jo was on the floor crying, with blood all over her hands.

“Are you okay?”

She shook her head, and I felt the hot barrel of a gun between my shoulder blades. “I thought I told you, motherfucker. Stay away from my wife.”

How many months ago was that?

“Dude, the divorce was final last month, and you brought your new woman to court.”

He pushed it harder against me. “She was my fuckin’ friend.”

“How was I supposed to know?” I shrugged.

“You talking about me to this dick? Huh, Lynn?” His voice ramped up. “You talkin’ about me?”

“No.” She sobbed. “No Johnny. I wasn’t.” She took a deep breath, fighting her tears. “Please let me call an ambulance.”

“Why?” He laughed haughtily. “With the old man gone, we get the house.”

“Why didn’t you just tell him you wanted the house?” I glanced over my shoulder.

The barrel poked hard into the back of my neck. “I heard you’re trying to buy this bitch a house!”

“Look. Let’s step outside and talk.” I held my hands up in surrender.