Junior bites his lip. “That little mouth of yours… is amazing.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m going to stick my dick in it later.”
I crack up and shove him backward. “That was soweak.”
“Sorry. I couldn’t resist…” He pauses, his gaze lingering on me for a long moment but I’m too busy staring back to count the seconds. “Coming over tonight?”
“Well, I don’t want you to get bored of me,” I joke.
“You’re right,” he smiles. “Don’t want to ruin a good thing.”
Junior grabs his backpack off the table and tosses it over his shoulder. “If I don’t see you between now and then, I’ll see you after the game.”
I nod. “After the game.”
“Bye, Ellie.”
“Bye, Junior.”
He steps out into the library and the door is barely even closed before I’m grinning like a fucking idiot. It’s one of those deep smiles, too; the kind that completely takes you over and refuses to let go until your face muscles can’t take it anymore and you end up feeling the pain for days.
Junior Morgan.Of course, we’re cool. He defended my honor. That means something, right? Based on his reputation before me, I have to imagine that chivalry was low on his list of priorities. The fact that he took my side over his team has to mean something.
Or maybe I’m grasping at straws again. Maybe I’m so desperate to make something from nothing that I’ll cling to even the slightest of chances that there could be something there that resembles a real relationship. That didn’t go so well with my father. What makes me think Junior Morgan is any different?
A chill rolls down my back, the latest of many that have shaken me today.
I sit down at the table and wait for it to pass.