Page 124 of Bump and Run

It’s almost pitch black and I take a quick moment to let my eyes adjust and to catch my breath with my ears tuned to her voice. I smile, recalling the monologue she recited over a dozen times in my bed.


I squint into the dark curtains until I see Grant’s stunned eyes staring back at me. “Grant—” I rush to him and he holds up his hands.

“What are you doing here?” he whispers. “You can’t be back here.”

“I need to talk to her.”

“Okay, cool,” he nods. “She’s a little busy right now.”

I look over his shoulder and there she is, standing on the other side of the stage. Her hair is curled and dolled up on her head — absolutely nothing like her usual style. A yellow sundress hugs her body and for a second, my mind runs wild.

Soon, her body will change. Our child will grow and kick and someday, I’ll hold it in my arms.

I fall in love with it. I fall in love with her all over again.

“Let me go on.”

Grant blinks. “Umm… no. This is not a wrestling match. I cannot just tag you in.”

“This is the ending, right?” I ask. “Page ninety-seven.”

“… Yeah.”

“I know the scene, man. Ellie and I ran it a thousand times. Let me do it.”

He stares at me. “You’re serious.”


“You’re gesturing right now, aren’t you?” he asks. “This is a love gesture.”

“Are you going to help me get her back or not?”

Grant smirks and nods, his eyes filling with lovable pride. “Okay.”

I take a quick step around him but he pulls me back.

“Whoa — are you in cleats?”

I look at my shoes. “Yeah.”

“You can’t walk onto a stage in cleats, you filthy savage,” he spits. “Take them off.”

I heave with impatience and kick them at the wall behind us while Grant slides his suit jacket off.

“Put this on, too,” he says. “You’ll look ridiculous but it’s better than whatever the hell it is you’re wearing now.”

“Thanks, Grant.” I throw the jacket on. “I owe you one.”

“You’re lucky I’m a hopeless romantic…” He shakes his head. “Mr. Young will never cast me in anything ever again after this…”

“I’ll make it worth your while.”

“Please don’t fuck this up.”

“I won’t.” I sneak a peek between the curtains at the audience and I twitch with hesitation. “Holy shit — that’s a lot of people out there…”

Grant slaps my cheek. “Man up, Lover Boy. That’s your cue.” He spins me around and gives me a firm shove through the doorway. “It’s showtime.”

I stumble out onto the stage and bright, white lights bear down on my face, instantly blinding me with their harsh beams. There’s a hum of confused voices but I can barely see them behind the spots taking hold of my vision.

Eliza turns to me and she freezes with a mix of anger and surprise invading her face. She studies me from my head to my socks, not once blinking her icy, blue eyes.

Oh, shit.

What the hell am I doing?