“It’s not a trap. It’s a fact. Artistic children rank higher in academics and social skills.”
“Hey, my social skills were fine.”
“Getting laid a lot doesn’t count as a social skill.”
“It should.” He slides his fingernail along the arch of my foot, sending a tickle shock up my ankle. I kick him and he laughs. “We had this same argument when Courtney was born…”
“Yeah, and I won that one, too.”
“You did not win,” he says, gently massaging between my toes.
“Yes, I did.”
“Well, I guess we’ll just have to settle again for agreeing that Connor can choose for himself.”
I pause. “Connor?”
He nods. “Yeah.”
I sit back, letting the name sink in. “I like it.”
“Me, too.”
“Good choice.”
“Thank you.”
“It’s about time,” I joke. “I thought for sure they’d have to assign him a number in the hospital.”
“That’s what you get for letting me name him,” he chuckles.
“I’ll just do it myself next time.”
He raises a brow. “Next time?”
I cringe. “Did I just say next time?”
“You did. I thought we were done having kids.”
“We better be.” I stare at my giant stomach. “As soon as this guy comes out, I’m having my vagina fused closed.”
Junior tilts his head. “Well… we don’t have to go that far. I’m a little attached to your vagina. Sometimes, in more ways than one.”
I laugh. “Okay, I’ll call the doctor tomorrow morning and cancel the vaginal fusion procedure.”
He slides up the bed and lies beside me, raising his arm to guide me against his chest. His lips graze my head and I feel him smell my hair, as he always does.
“It’s good to be home,” he whispers.
I cling to him, resting my head on his thick shoulder as he lays a hand on my belly. Connor stirs inside, reacting to his loving touch and I smile.
“Any day now…” I look up at Junior and he kisses me.
“He’s going to be perfect,” he whispers.
“Promise?” I grin.