

Ryan’s Houseis nearly packed by the time we make it to the party. Faces disappear into the crowd of cartoon characters, superheroes, and rubber masks. I watch Charlotte closely as we walk in to make sure nothing spooks her but her grin stretches from ear-to-ear. At least she loves Halloween as much as I do.

I pick her up and hold her to keep her from getting lost on our way toward the bar. She doesn’t seem to mind as she stretches her neck to get a better look at everyone’s costumes.

“Oh, my god!”

Evey squeals from behind the bar the moment she sees us. “Look at you guys!”

I stand Charlotte up on an empty stool. “What do you think?” I ask.

She just squeals again. Good sign, I guess. She reaches below the bar and pulls out a handful of mini chocolate bars. “Trick or treat, honey!”

Charlotte gasps as Evey drops them into her pumpkin bucket. “Thank you, Aunt Evey!”

“You’re welcome, little hot sauce!”

Charlotte sits down to dig through her new stash.

Evey gestures at her giant belly decorated to look like Cinderella’s coach. “As you can see, my costume works on multiple levels.”

“With the princess riding around inside,” I say with a nod. “I like it.”

“Yes! And if the princess could get off her butt and come out by the stroke of midnight, that’d be super.”

I laugh. “You look great, Evey.”

She winks. “I don’t believe you, but thank you.”

Vincent and Tommy emerge from the back with a large, metal basin of clear liquid. They bicker back and forth, Vincent insisting that Tommy take it slow and Tommy claiming he’s got this but neither of them looks at all stable.

“Is that the water?” Evey asks them. “Or the vodka?”

“Water,” Tommy answers.

“Are you sure?”

He exhales in annoyance and lets go to plunk one finger in. “Yes, I’m sure. See?” He sticks his finger in his mouth to taste it and flinches. “Nope. That’s vodka.”

Evey smiles. “Far left corner, please.”

Tommy looks at us and instantly stops, causing Vincent to nearly drop the whole thing. “Aww!” he cries. “The taco and his hot sauce!”

Charlotte looks up and grins, taking in all the spotlight she deserves while licking chocolate off her lips.

I laugh and kiss her head as they continue through the crowd.

“You guys want a drink?” Evey asks me. “We have juice boxes the little ones.”

I nod. “Yeah, I’ll take a pint of my usual and she’ll take a box of the hard stuff.”

“Coming right at ya.”

I glance around the bar, feeling more and more welcome. That’s one thing I’ve always come to love about Ryan’s House — and the Ryan family in particular. Their house is your house. That’s why their dad named the bar that way to start with. There’s a sense of community here, one that makes me proud to be a part of… even for a little bit.

“Here you go,” Evey says as she sets the glass down. She throws on a smile and holds up a cherry juice box. “And for the hot lady.”