Page 10 of Pretty Little Thing



That was close.Too close.

The elevator begins its descent downward and I release the breath I’ve been holding since the second I left her office.

Now, what?

I hang my head, counting the floor indicator dings all the way down to the ground floor.

As the doors open, the old security guard looks up from his phone. I fake a smile and wave at him as I pass, trying very hard not to make it so obvious how much my heart is struggling to remain in my chest.

I step outside and zip up my jacket to block the windchill as I bolt down the street.

Alex isn’t going to like this but how the hell was I supposed to know she’d show up today? It’s fucking Sunday.

We made plans to meet at the coffee shop down the street after I got it. I’m not looking forward to that excited look he’ll have as soon as I walk in, like a kid on Christmas morning.

Sorry, kiddo. Rough year. Enjoy the socks.

I linger outside with my fingers on the door handle, dreading the next few minutes of my life, but I’ve been through worse. We both have and we’re still here. That counts for something, right?

I pull open the door, knocking the entry bell, and exactly one head in the whole place turns to look.

Alex’s face instantly lights up from the corner table. I don’t smile back. There’s no reason to get his hopes up over nothing.

He studies the look on my face as I move closer to his table. By the time I sit down across from him, I’ve officially kicked his Christmas puppy in the face.

“Did you get it?” he asks, grasping at the last bit of hope he has.

I shake my head. “No, I did not.”

His shoulders fall. “Why the hell not?”

“She walked in before I could get it,” I answer, glancing around at the occupied tables on either side.

“She walked in?” he repeats, his voice growing.


“But it’s Sunday.”

“Well, she came into the office today.”

“Who the hell works on a Sunday?”

A few heads turn in our direction.

“Ms. Nora Payne, apparently,” I say, giving him a sour look.

Alex takes the signal and reels his shit back in. “Well… fuck,” he says under his breath. “Now, what? We were supposed to deliver the list today.”

“Call and tell them we hit a snag,” I say. “No big deal. I’ll just have to figure out a more creative way of getting alone with her computer. One that doesn’t risk me getting fired. Still kind of need this job…”

His face turns white. “Whatever you think of, think it fast,Clive.”

I furrow my brow. “What’s the hurry? The thing will be worth just as much in a few days. Hell, it might actually be worth more—”