“Okay, but…”
“What?” I ask him.
“Do you…” He hesitates. “Excuse me, but you created Little Black Book based on a relationship compatibility algorithm from personal experience. Do you have enough experience in…” His hands twitch. “You know, this stuff to create an algo based on sexual fetishism compatibility?”
Rachel’s face turns a deep red but she looks just as interested in knowing the answer as he does.
I throw on a smile. “Maybe purple. Have the design team try a purple option, too. Royal; not lavender.”
Percy looks down. “Okay, then. We’ll get started.”
He spins around and bolts from the office. Rachel offers me a nod before following behind him with her lips clamped together between flushed, pink cheeks.
Do I have personal experience in sexual fetishism compatibility?
Nope. I do not.
But there’s sure to be an expert out there somewhere I can hire to fill in the gaps.
“Ms. Payne?”
I look up over the rims of my reading glasses to find Clive standing in my doorway. He holds up a few sheets of stapled papers but my eyes barely even give a shit. They travel downward instantly, admiring his tight, tucked dress shirt and black pants — a rather different look than the t-shirt and jeans he wears to work at the club.
Maybe we should do casual Fridays…
“Ms. Payne?” he asks again.
“Uh, Y-yep! Mr. Sss… Clive.” I lean back in my chair, trying to act normal. “What’s up, my temp?”
I close my eyes, rolling them up in shame.
“Ali needs a signature,” he says, flicking the papers.
“Right.” I reach for my cup of pens but I knock it over instead. My coordination has apparently taken the morning off. “Ah, hell...”
Clive strides in, his face twisting with hidden amusement. He bends down to pick up a pen off the floor and holds it out to me. “Nora…” he says, his voice low.
“Relax,” he says. “We’re just working here.”
He lays the papers down in front of me, along with the pen on top.
“Just workin’,” I repeat, letting my muscle memory take care of the signature. “Ali, right?”
He nods.
“Can you tell her to update me on her vacation dates? I know she was still waiting to hear back from her mother-in-law…”
“I’d be happy to, Ms. Payne,” he says, taking the papers back.
I clear my throat. “Thanks, Clive.”
“I had fun last night.”
My lips twitch. “Just working, huh?” I ask, keeping my voice down.
“Couldn’t help it.” He smiles, matching my volume. “Had to say it.”