He rubs the back of my hand with his thumb and sits back. “So, you’re the expert. What do normal couples usually do after the first coffee date crashes and burns?” he asks.
“Well,” I grin, sensing opportunity, “according to my expertise, the general consensus is that the man takes the woman back to his place and… he spanks her.”
He raises a brow. “Does he?”
“He does.”
His head tilts. “Something about that just doesn’t seem right…”
I raise my hands. “Hey, you asked the expert.”
He stares across the table at me with a subtle hesitation in his blue eyes. “My place, huh?” he asks.
“Yeah,” I say.
He sucks in his bottom lip, pausing for a moment before his mouth curls again. “I’ll do you one better. Come with me.”
I blink as Clive stands with his cup. “Go with you where?”
“Just come on.”
I bolt up with excitement, tossing my empty cup in the trash as he leads me outside.