I lookover my shoulder toward the entrance again. It’s not even six yet but I can’t stop counting the moments.
Talking over coffee. It’s the oldest date in the book. I’ve done it a dozen times before but I’ve never felt this many butterflies.
The entrance chimes again and I perform a quick look, hoping for that ruggedly handsome and familiar face to walk in and whisk me off my feet, but… no.
It’s just Robbie.
I see him before he sees me. He walks in with dirt caked on his jeans and t-shirt but that leather jacket is in pristine condition, as usual. He spots me and I give him a friendly wave. He raises his bandaged hand to acknowledge me as he heads toward the counter to order.
I pick up my phone to distract myself from checking the time again but I just end up checking the time anyway. Five fifty-five. He still has five minutes. Calm down, girl…
Robbie plops into the booth across from me and sets his coffee down in front of him. “Hey, Bubbles,” he greets, nodding softly. A few tattered, sweat-covered strands of his hair plop down along his forehead.
“Hey, Rob,” I say. “You look… tired.”
“Just another manic Monday,” he answers, raising his coffee to his mouth. “You, on the other hand, look cute as hell, well-rested, and ready for a night out.”
“Maybe.” I blush. “If he shows up.”
“Nora, nobody, and I mean nobody, will ever live up to your impossible standards for timeliness and punctuality,” he jokes. “Give Daddy a break.”
I tilt my head in annoyance. “You, too?”
“Blame Trix. She texted me.”
I deflate. “Jeez…”
He chuckles but quickly throws on a more serious face. “For real, though. Are you happy?” he asks. “You look happy.”
My smile spreads. “I think I might be.”
“And you’re safe, right?”
“Uhh…” I laugh. “Yeah, we’re safe.”
“I don’t mean condoms,” he quips. “Obviously don’t have to ask you that. I mean, do you feel safe with him? He’s not violent or anything?”
I shake my head. “No, he’s not. He’s dominating, sure, but I’ve never felt safer. You don’t have to worry.”
“Are you sure?” he asks. “Because there is a very tall, very blue-eyed father figure by the register that looks about ready to beat me up.”
I look over my shoulder. Clive stands at the counter across the shop, gently leaning against it as he waits for the barista to make his coffee. A smile touches my lips but he continues staring fire daggers at Robbie.
I turn back to Robbie. “He’s a sweetheart, Rob. He just sees a strange guy talking to his date. Do I need to remind you what happened to the last guy you thought was hitting on Melanie right in front of you?”
He rolls his eyes. “You punch one priest and the world never lets you forget it.”
I raise a brow while I take a sip from my cup.
“Hey, Nora.”
Clive appears over me, his hand instantly falling to rest on my shoulder.
“Hey, Clive.” I gesture across the table. “This is my friend, Robbie. Robbie, this is Clive.”