He sighs in disappointment. “You’re the only guy I know who doesn’t kiss and tell, man.”
“No, you just hang out with a lot of douchebags, Alex.”
He throws his head back and laughs. “Ain’t gonna argue with that.”
I shift my focus to the dryer as it shuts off. “Anyway, I gotta…”
Alex slides off the washer. “All right, man. Keep me updated. But, uh… you know. Hurry up. The rest of our lives is waiting for us.”
I ignore it until he disappears down the hall.
The rest of our lives. It was so easy to imagine before. On the road with a brand new car, plenty of food, and extra cash to spend. A smooth, easy-going existence to anywhere but here. It’s been so long since I looked forward to anything, but now…
I can’t wait for Monday morning.
Can’t say I’ve ever thought that before.
* * *
Monday morning.Little Black Book. Nine-to-five shift.
I’ve been working here for only a few weeks and I’ve never felt so excited to walk into this building. Even the lonely, old security guy up front seems to notice the special hop in my step. Instead of the usual wave, he gives me a salute. I’ll take it. Hell, I’ll even salute him right back.
The sooner I get up to the fifteenth floor, the sooner I get to see Nora.
The elevator comes into sight and it dings, ready to close on me but I don’t want to delay getting upstairs any longer than I have to.
“Wait!” I say. “Hold the elevator!”
A small hand reaches through and blocks the doors from closing at the last second. They slide back open and I pick up my pace to make it before they decide to close again.
I step on. “Thanks—”
And it’s Nora Payne.
Her hair is held up in a tight bun. She stands tall in a nice suit — or what her petite stature’s version of tall is — with her briefcase and purse held down in front of her. My eyes fall to the plastic pearl dangling above the hollow of her throat. She’s wearing her collar for me.
My cock twitches in my briefs.
“Good morning, Clive,” she says, offering a professional smile.
I nod and stand beside her. “Good morning, Ms. Payne,” I say.
I tap the button to the fifteenth floor, praying silently that the doors hurry up and close before someone else manages to get on.
We stand still, staring straight ahead, until the doors close.
I slap the stop button and the car halts mid-floor.
Nora drops her things as I rush at her. Our lips merge together and she performs a little hop as I hoist her up and pin her little body to the corner wall.
“Good girl,” I groan. I kiss from her lips to her cheek and down to her collared neck. “Very good girl.”
“I wasn’t sure if I should wear it to work,” she says, laughing. “We didn’t really discuss the rules…”
I bend down to kiss her hidden cleavage. “The rules are…” I grip her chin. “You wear it proudly or not at all. Do you understand?”
She licks her wild lips. “Yes, Mr. Snow.”