Page 29 of Song of Lorelei

She swam to him then, chin just barely skimming the surface. He reached out for her with both hands, forgetting where he was for a moment, and winced as cold water hit his sensitive bits. She took his hands and pulled him into her embrace. As his arms enclosed around her waist, she cradled his head just beneath her chin and flipped onto her back. With Killian laid across her front, legs floating to either side of her tail, she swam them toward a cluster of sea rock.

Awe filled his eyes as she towed him through the water with ease. “I knew you were strong, but I didn’t realize just how strong. There’s nothing for me to fear when I’m with you.”

Stroking the rounded side of her claws against his cheek, a hum vibrated from the back of her throat. Killian melted in her arms. “The sea can’t take you as long as I’m around.”

Her body undulated beneath his, generating warmth and friction for them both. Killian nuzzled the dip between her collarbones, and moaned softly, bucking his hips, song and dizzying lust keeping him semi-hard, despite the cold.

The scales that protected her secret flesh parted, stimulated by the rubbing, and a healthy amount of internal wetness gushed out. It was so much more natural lubricant than usual, possibly in response to her environs more so than her desire, although there was plenty of that, too.

Finding an underwater ledge for Killian to stand on, Lorelei pushed him back against weather-worn rock. His torso stretched out in front of her like an offering, rivulets of sea water streaming down his chest, dripping from his hair, as she pinned his wrists overhead with one hand. With the other, she ripped open the front of his boxers and eased him inside her, where she was mercifully warm. Killian tipped his head back, groaning with utter, blissful relief.

Ruining his clothes might become her new favorite pastime.

She laid on top of him, giving him all her weight. “This all right?”

Water droplets glistened from his long, dark lashes as he gazed up at her, such a peaceful, serene expression gracing his features. “I’m exactly where I wanna be.”

Her hummed song faltered, then ceased, seeing him so trusting, so ready for domination. He widened his stance, two muscular thighs framing her tail, and his eyes slipped closed, followed by a soft sigh. Lorelei relaxed her hold, just a bit, her lips so close she could feel his breath.

Maybe this was meant to be sweet. She rolled her hips in time with the lapping waves, the torn fabric of Killian’s decimated boxers caressing her scales, relinquished control blooming new and delicate between them.

Then his eyes snapped open, fierce, and determined.

With a mischievous grin, he bucked his hips, and wrenched his arms, challenging, testing her strength, trying to throw her off. But she bore down, tightened her grip, thwarting his efforts to break free. The power rush of it raced up her spine, hot and tingling. How she thrilled in this struggle, feeling Killian writhe like an eel beneath her.

“Trying to get away from me?” she hissed. “Such a trouble-maker.”

“Stop me,” he taunted. The fight in him spurred, his muscles strained against her, but she was immovable. “Make me behave, siren.”

The responsibility of this fantasy settled over her in a moment both heady and sobering. He was trusting her to draw out every ounce of pleasure through dominance and command, and not hurt him. She needed to take great care in how and when she used her song.

She could satiate the danger he craved in other ways—with the flash of sharp teeth, wicked claws, or the brush of rough scales against his skin—but he demanded to be spellbound, and there was nothing of herself she wouldn’t give him.

So, she sang.

With a hooded, drugged look, Killian relaxed, eager supplicant once more, all his hard muscle made pliant on the rocky altar. “So beautiful,” he praised.

Hips and piscine tail found a fluid rhythm in the water. They’d christened all manner of surfaces in the cottage and Killian’s truck, but ocean sex was new, uncharted territory. Balance, leverage, the basic push and pull they were used to was all thrown off, but she ignored the vain part of her brain that worried how it might look and moved her body in the ways that felt good.

Gripping his hip, she worked his length, savoring each smooth, wet stroke. As her pacing climbed, she got carried away in the bliss of it, and her claws bit in, more than she intended, but he moaned long and deep. Even with hints of blood blooming in the water from pricked flesh, his dick throbbed inside her.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” he breathed.

Fear and arousal mixed a potent cocktail, flooding her senses, urging her on. “More?”

He tilted his head to the side, exposing his throat. “More.”

She pressed her mouth to that tender flesh, feeling his pulse race as she grazed it with her teeth, leaving faint red lines. Lust, not hunger, compelled her to lave the spot, and he quivered beneath her. He tasted so good, something she could admit to herself now without the urge to bite, and moved on, nuzzling the scruff of his jawline. Kissing his cheek.

With a desperate, needy look, he begged her to unravel him, so she gave him the speed he craved, rotating her hips in urgent, feverish circles.

There was no more talking, just determined, frantic coupling as they lost themselves to sensation in the primordial place all life had sprung. The entire Earth had been blanketed by water once, the ocean ruling supreme. And the way Killian stared up at her, forehead pinched and mouth slack, so close to release and begging for mercy, one would think she was its queen.

Chapter Fifteen


Hoping to beat the shitstorm brewing at the research center, Lorelei left for work the next morning even earlier than usual. Dragging herself from Killian’s embrace at 4:00 a.m. was a herculean effort that took every ounce of her siren strength and willpower. That he held her in a vice grip, cocooning her in comfort and warmth, sleepily asking her to stay, made getting out of bed that much harder. She hated insisting on leaving, especially after the night they shared, but she had to see how Nireed was doing. Make sure she was okay.