Sucking my bottom lip between my teeth, I worried it a few seconds as my gaze bounced between his eyes. “I don’t know how,” I admitted barely above a breath.
Amir’s smile was slow but beautiful as he leaned forward and rubbed his nose against mine. “Good thing you have me to teach you.” And then his lips pressed to mine in a chaste kiss that still managed to send my heart galloping behind my ribs.
Istood outside Issa’s door a few more minutes and eavesdropped on their conversation. Some of it was too quiet to hear, but for the most part…Amir was fucking awesome.
It was generally an alpha’s job to dote on and cherish their omega. And of course, we would totally do that with Amir. But we’d wanted to do the same with Issa from pretty much the day she’d agreed to stay with us.
Over and over, she’d acted as though she wasn’t a part of the pack, as though she didn’t believe we wanted her as our beta and her time with us wasn’t just temporary.
But…had we bothered to actually show her how we felt? I knew I was doing my best to give her time and space to heal after the bullshit she’d endured through her life before us. Had we managed to make her feel more like a roommate instead of a woman who’d crashed her way into our hearts the same moment she’d crashed her car into the gates of the Rivera estate?
With my back against the wall beside her bedroom door, I inhaled deeply, dragging the increased pheromones into my lungs, Issa’s warm fresh linen mixing beautifully with Amir’s chocolate covered strawberry.
My dick thickened until I had to adjust myself before my fucking zipper bit into the flesh of my shaft.
I had no idea whether they were fooling around or having sex, but standing out here like a voyeur would do nothing to quell my hard-on. This was supposed to be a date, a chance for Amir to get to know us all.
And yeah, it was forhimto get to knowus. It didn’t matter how we felt about him – Issa liked him; therefore, we would do whatever was needed to convince him to join our pack.
The small, broken beta had all three of us wrapped around her dainty little finger. She held so much power over us three alphas yet had no idea how to wield it. Shit. I wasn’t even sure she realized how much control she had over us.
Pushing from the wall, I quietly made my way down the hall, descended the stairs, and lowered onto the couch where Enzo and Ax waited.
“They coming?” Ax asked.
I nearly barked out a surprised laugh. “Um…one way or another,” I said, and grinned when Ax and Enzo turned raised brows on me.
“Damn, dude. How the hell does he get her to lower her damn walls? I would give my left nut to feel her under my hands,” Ax said, dropping his head against the couch.
“Have either of you actually…tried anything with her? Tried to kiss her or make love to her or anything?”
“I did but you cock blocked me,” Ax said.
“You tried to fuck her with us both in bed,” Enzo said, rolling his head to look at Ax from the other end of the couch.
“So? You could have either watched or joined in,” Ax said with a shrug.
“Yeah. Right. ‘Hey, Issa. I know we haven’t done nearly enough to make you feel like an important part of the pack, but enjoy thisgangbang’,” I retorted, shoving Ax’s head when he waggled his brows like that was exactly what should have been said that night. “You’re an idiot.”
There was no force behind my words and a grin stretched across my lips as I tried to picture Issa’s face had one of us actually said that.
We had finally seen the footage of her with Amir in the office and she absolutely had a libido. Which meant we’d been depriving our girl this whole time.
But what if she wasn’t attracted to us, or only one of us? What if she only saw me as a packmate and friend? I would still have Amir, Enzo, and Ax, but I wanted Issa as badly.
Possibly more.
I’d fallen in love with her almost from the start. Not that I’d bothered to tell her – or my packmates – that little nugget of information.
There were cameras all over the house including in our bedrooms. But we didn’t tend to check those. It felt like an invasion of privacy, especially when it came to Issa who’d had her entire life controlled by alphas. We wanted her to feel safe with us. We wanted her to know she had control over every aspect of her life.
But in this moment, as their combined scents began to filter down the stairs and into the living room, I was more than tempted to open the app to see if we should get comfortable instead of waiting for them to join us.
“Fuck it,” Ax said, pulling his phone free and opening the camera app as though he’d heard my own internal battle. “Ho-ly shit,” he growled out.