Rolling my eyes, I pushed back to a sitting position and crossed my legs under me. “How about I squeal and clap my hands for you now, then watch movies until you boys get home?”
I would have preferred to be waiting in the pack bed for the three to return, for them to climb in and smother me with their scents…and other things.
Instead, I got the joy of constant sexual frustration every time I heard them moaning from one of their rooms as they fooled around with each other.
Ax leaned back against his dresser and crossed his arms. “Okay, here’s the deal – we’re supposed to meet someone tonight. And we want you to meet them, too.”
My dark brows pulled together. “Why would I want to meet one of your one-night…oh. An omega?”
His head dipped once.
“You guys are meeting with an omega tonight?”
Another nod.
“Then…why would you want me to meet them?”
The look he shot me made me chuckle. He looked at me like I’d just insulted his favorite pair of vintage Nike Airs. “You’re pack. We all decide together.”
My brows shot up to my hairline and I blinked a few times. “What?”
“What?” he said, only his tone was confused.
“You said…but I’m not pack. I have…” I turned my head and pointed at the mark on my shoulder.
A soft growl rumbled from Ax. “That thing means abso-fucking-lutely nothing. If it’ll help, I’ll cover it with my own right now.”
My core fluttered with the thought of his teeth sinking into my shoulder. But he’d said nothing about bonding me as his mate, but rather simply making me a packmate, as in…a member of his family. None of the three alphas had so much as tried to kiss me in the three months since they’d requested I live with them.
“You don’t need to…what about Enzo and Cyrus?”
“What about them?” he asked, opening a drawer and pulling a t-shirt out before tugging it over his head. Shame. I really did enjoy ogling his body as much as any other red-blooded human. He was hot and was fully aware of that fact.
“They’ve never said they saw me as pack.”
He crossed the room and grabbed my hands, pulling until I had to put my feet on the ground and stand. “You live in our house. You carry our scents around every day. You’re pack, little beta. You’re stuck with us. If you want our marks, say the word. But that doesn’t matter to us.”
Something tightened in my stomach, a mixture of affection and fear. I didn’t like the thought of another alpha declaring ownership over me. Not again.
But these three hadn’t done that, hadn’t demanded anything from me. In fact, they told me I could take my time looking for a job or refrain from working all together. They’d also offered me a job at The Vault, but I wasn’t sure I was ready for that just yet. Antonio was missing, but I highly doubted he was gone for good. He’d lost out on a lot of money when my sister’s alphas had killed my parents as well as another rival pack. They currently controlled the majority of everything that was imported or exported from the region.
And one of the alphas in this house just happened to be my sister’s brother-in-law.
“Well?” Ax asked after a few moments of me chewing on my bottom lip. “Will you go? I want you to meet them. We want you there. And you haven’t seen me dance in forever.”
“I see you practice here. Doesn’t that count?”
I’d had the privilege of watching him perfect his choreography on many occasions since I’d moved in, though I hadn’t yet seen him perform ballet or lyrical.
The big, broad, tattooed alpha had been put into several dance classes the moment he could walk. His parents had been convinced he would present as an omega…like the rest of his siblings.
Unlike my own family, his didn’t treat him or any of their children any differently. I’d met the entire brood and wasn’t sure I’d laughed asmuch as I had the night they demanded he brought me to his family pack’s home for dinner.
Huh. Maybe Iwaspack. I hadn’t thought much about it that night, but his mom kept referring to me as Ax’s beta, or the pack’s beta.
I supposed if I would be saddled with another alpha – or three – this was practically a dream scenario.
Or it would have been. Because now they were interested in adding an omega, someone who would be guaranteed to get pregnant when they decided to add to their family.