“Not me,” Cyrus said, his hand wrapped around what I assumed was a protein drink by the packaging.
The alphas owned a few clubs but primarily focused on a higher end one that happened to showcase a male dance review.Nota strip show, as Ax argued over and over again. Probably because he was one of those dancers.
I’d been informed he’d been formally trained from the time he could walk, but being as I was too scared to leave the house let alone set foot into the club, I’d yet to see it.
“Is he working out or…?” I let the question trail and hoped I didn’t sound like a horndog when I so desperately wanted to sneak down there and catch him shaking his hips while sweat glistened on his – hopefully – bare chest.
Yep. I’d developed a hardy crush on Ax. And Cyrus…and Enzo.
Ax was such a flirt, but it was obvious he saw me as simply a packmate. He wasn’t shy about changing when I was in the room and had even openly talked about other women when I was in the room.
Cyrus was so freaking sweet, always trying to anticipate my needs before I was even aware of them. It tended to be him who woke me from my nightmares, holding me against his strong body, gently restraining me to keep me from hurting him or myself while muttering sweet and comforting words until I’d calmed down enough to go back to sleep.
It had taken a few times to convince him to stay in the bed with me. I trusted he wouldn’t try to take advantage of me or make me uncomfortable.
Enzo. I mentally sighed. He was so…dominant. But not in the jackass way. He could easily command respect and rarely used his alpha bark on his other two packmates.Neveron me. In fact, his expression and tone tended to soften when he addressed me.
Yeah, I was crushing hard on these three men, but I didn’t have the courage to tell them I was ready to entertain the idea of not only joining their pack but actually asking for more than the chaste kisses to my forehead, temple, or top of my head, or the gentle hugs.
Cyrus smirked in my direction, then faked a serious expression. “You’d better go check on him. Wouldn’t want him working out without a spotter.”
“Yeah. Because her ninety-pound self can do shit if he drops a weight.”
I scoffed. “Trust me when I say I do not weigh ninety pounds.” Although it wasn’t much more. Unlike omegas, I wasn’t blessed with the wide hips or the big butt and boobs. Not that I was rail thin or shapeless, but I was…average.
My hair was twisted up in a messy bun and I was wearing one of the pajama sets they’d ordered for me, but we’d all just woken up. None of them even hinted at me so much as applying mascara since all I did was sit around the house and the only people I saw beside these three were my sister and her alphas.
With my hand wrapped around my mug, I grinned. “Should I change the music when he’s not looking? Put on some nineties pop?”
“He likes nineties pop,” Enzo said with an eye roll.
Because of course Ax would like nineties pop. He also liked what Enzo referred to as chick flicks, which was any movie that had a romantic storyline and no explosions.
Cyrus winked at me as I passed him, trying to keep my steps light to avoid my approach being heard over the music.
The stairs didn’t so much as squeak under my feet as I snuck downstairs, lowering my head to look the moment I was low enough.
He wasn’t working out.
And, as I’d hoped, he was shirtless.
The basement spanned the length of the house with the home gym in the corner closest to the stairs and the rest open with mats and mirrors hung around the room so Ax could create different routines for the guys who danced at the club.
Lowering onto a step, my eyes began to water from the lack of blinking while my heart began to race, and I was instantly warm from the neck down.
I’d known he could dance. He’d even pulled me to my feet a few times in an attempt to get me to dance with him. But this? This was unlike anything I’d seen him do before.
He would roll his hips, his eyes on the mirror, then spin with so much grace it was like he was part cat. He leapt through the air, hislegs spread in the splits before landing and rolling on the ground to pump his hips while holding himself up on one arm, simulating having sex with someone.
My mind started playing tricks on me as I pictured myself beneath him, my legs spread as that wickedly beautiful body of his writhed and gyrated and ground against the floor.
By the time he finished, I was breathing nearly as hard as he was.
His eyes met mine in the mirror and a salacious grin spread across his face. “Whatcha doin’ there, creeper?”
“I’d planned to change your song and throw you off but…you can really dance, Ax.” After the words left my mouth, I felt stupid for voicing them.
Of course, he could dance. Not only had he trained his whole life, but he danced in front of hundreds of people on a regular basis.