Within a span of a few hours, I had gained a big, loud, affectionate family who’d easily accepted me and my alphas as their son’s pack.

And I’d learned what Ghazi kept calling me, whatabnatimeant – the alpha was calling me his daughter.



It had been a week since we’d met Amir’s family and us three alphas had received daily phone calls from his mom and his fathers. They were loving people, similar to my own, complete with the little sisters, though mine were all grown up now.

Only a few hours with Issa and she’d managed to wrap them around her finger the way she had with us.

It had been Enzo’s idea to let them in on her past to avoid anything delicate being brought up at the dinner table. I’d had no idea the Syrian alpha would rush inside and demand to know her former alpha’s whereabouts. Not that I blamed him.

In fact, he’d earned my utmost respect that day.

The three of us had done some research on Amir’s family – we already knew Ghazi’s family had come to the states as refugees a while ago, but it turned out both Ghazi and Myer had met when they were teens and gotten into some trouble. Not only were they fully aware ofwho Issa’s family pack was, but they’d had interactions with them before bonding with Athena then having Amir.

Parenthood had put them on different – and legal – paths. They still had connections but were real estate investors now. Though I had a feeling neither of them would have a single issue fucking someone up for hurting any member of their family, and that now extended to Issa.

We had returned to the bar the day after and the four of us had worked four consecutive days before finally taking a day off. Issa was originally only supposed to work three days a week, but she seemed to enjoy making her own money since she hadn’t been allowed that small act her entire life.

And none of us would ever stop her from doing something she enjoyed.

While the rest of the pack huddled on the couch binging a new show, I was downstairs in our home gym/dance studio trying out some new choreography. The music thumped through the space and urged my body to move.

But I missed ballet. I missed fully expressing myself through lyrical.

Someday. Someday I would find a way to use my formal training for something other than entertaining a screaming crowd.

Grabbing a towel from the rack, I rubbed it across my face and down my chest. My hair was pulled back in a bun, but tendrils had escaped around my face and was sticking to the sweat.

The song faded out and rolled into the next on my playlist.

“You know what? Fuck it.”

Stomping to my phone, I scrolled through until I found something that called to me and hit play. Luckily, I was only wearing a pair of basketball shorts so my movements wouldn’t be too constricted.

Riverby Bishop started, the beginning beats sending a tingle down my spine as though my body knew exactly what was coming.

Note by note, I let my arms swing, my legs kick, my body becoming part of the music instead of merely dancing to structured and planned out moves. I leapt in the air, landing to roll on theground before pushing back up. I incorporated a little ballet and a little hip hop into the dance, making it my own.

By the time the song began to fade out, my lungs were on fire, my heart raced, and sweat glistened on every inch of my body.

Bending forward, I propped my hands on my knees as I sucked in gulps of air until the sweetness of chocolates and strawberries landed on my tongue and filled my senses.

Amir was standing at the base of the stairs watching me with nothing short of awe on his beautiful face. His green eyes looked darker from his dilated pupils and his lips were parted.

“Wow,” he breathed out barely above a whisper. “That was…wow.”

A smile pulled up one corner of my mouth. “Thanks.”

“Seriously. Just…wow.” He crossed the room and grabbed a towel before coming to sit beside me, holding it out to me. “I would offer to lick every drop of sweat from your body after that, but you look like you need a break.”

The mere mention of his tongue on my body created an instant tent in my shorts as my cock stood at attention.

“There has to be somewhere you can dance like that. I mean, even at the club. You have so much damn talent.”

His compliments and gushing actually made my cheeks hot as I grew a little uncomfortable with his praises. Not that I didn’t know I could dance. But he was laying it on thick and talking about licking away my sweat and looking all sexy as fuck with his thick, long curls and those black lashes framing his light eyes.