Maybe it had been a bad idea to go to work, especially at a place filled with drunk alphas.
But…why the hell should I have to hide away? Why should I have to shape my life around those who didn’t know how to control their emotions or conduct themselves with class and maturity?
Chocolate and strawberries grew stronger in the air as a soft whimpering came from Amir. His eyes were closed, and his breathing was slow and even, but his brows were puckered and his face looked taut like he was in pain, even while he slept.
I hated this for him. I knew there was absolutely nothing I could do to make it go away, not permanently, but I still hated that he had to go through this a few times a year. After watching how my sister had been treated our whole lives, I’d never had any desire to be an omega and was thankful I’d presented as a beta. But I would take Amir’s place in a heartbeat if it meant I could spare him the pain.
“You should get some sleep,” Cyrus whispered to me from where he was wrapped around Amir.
His knot would have deflated, but I couldn’t see whether he’d pulled free from our omega. The waves had woken Amir a few times each hour, the longest period of sleep only lasting around thirty minutes since we’d gotten home yesterday evening.
Not even twenty-four hours, and I was positive none of us had gotten more than a few hours of sleep in that time. As in, maybe anaccumulationof three or four total.
The alphas had put in the most work physically, but Amir stillrequired me to at least be in his line of sight if not physically touching him.
Or sucking him.
Or fucking him.
Carefully extricating myself from the tangle of limbs, I crawled closer to Cyrus to avoid waking Amir. The longer he slept, the more rest our alphas could get. And the more restIcould get, if I could ever fall back to sleep.
“I’m going to run downstairs and get more water and food. Maybe take a quick shower.”
“Better hurry,” he said with a silent chuckle that shook his body.
Because, yeah, my sweet Amir became unhinged if even one of us wasn’t in the room when each wave hit. Didn’t matter if all three alphas were servicing him, fucking him, knotting him. If he turned his head and couldn’t see me, a heartbreaking keening whine would lift into the air and tears would fill his pretty green eyes.
Pressing a quick peck to Cyrus’s lips, I shuffled from the room as quickly and quietly as possible, stopping in the shower first. I wouldn’t have time to shave or even wash my hair, but I needed to wash away the sweat, slick, and cum that coated my skin.
After I’d dried, I skipped pulling on clothes since I’d have to remove them as soon as I stepped back into the nest, anyway, and jogged downstairs to load up my arms with water bottles and grabbed a few bags of chips, pretzels, and an unopened roll of cookies. Not exactly the epitome of nutrition, but everyone needed the calories to keep their energy up.
I hadn’t been out of the room for more than fifteen minutes, but Amir was awake, that whine filling the space, his sweet perfume carrying a bitter hint to it as the alphas struggled to reassure him I was still here, that I’d only stepped out for a minute, promising him I would come back. Promising him that I hadn’t rejected him. Promising him that I hadn’t abandoned him.
Dropping everything beside the door, I hurried to Amir, rushing into his open arms and burying my face in his neck when he closed his muscular arms around my back.
“I’m sorry,habibi,” I said, using his nickname for me and hoping I wasn’t using it incorrectly. “I just got some food and water for us. I’m here. I would never leave you.”
Leaning back, I cupped his now stubbled cheeks in my hands and stared into his eyes. “You know I love you, omega. I’m here. I willneverleave you. I couldn’t.”
The whine finally faded out, but a tear escaped over his bottom lash and trailed down his left cheek.
I kissed it away before pressing my lips to his, tasting the saltiness of his tear mixed with the sweetness of his mouth.
Another arm wrapped around my waist and lifted me. Amir’s cock was held steady by one of our alphas, then I was lowered slowly onto my omega, a moan pulling from our throats as I settled fully on him.
“You two are so beautiful together,” Cyrus muttered into my ear as he pressed kisses to my cheek and shoulder as his fingers gently stroked along the mark he left on my throat.
Amir’s fingers tightened in my hair and held me steady as he claimed my mouth, devoured my mouth in a desperate and hungry kiss. He was reassuring himself and his omega that his beta was still here, that his pack was whole.
That I hadn’t abandoned him.
Never. I could never willingly walk away from Amir. I could never walk away from any of them. It would be easier to rip my heart from my damn chest.
Actually, that was exactly how it would feel if I were to lose a single one of these men, as though someone had torn open my chest and yanked the organ from its cavity.
A moan sounded from somewhere to my right. I desperately wanted to turn my head, see which of my alphas were pleasuring themselves – or each other – to the sight of Amir and I making love.
And that was exactly what we were doing. It didn’t matter that this because of his biology, or that he needed the release to help with the cramping or heat. I would make love to my omega every day for the rest of my life if I had a choice in the matter.