While tearing through my fucking uterus.

Yep. Male omegas were rare. And we were blessed with the chance to carry children. But honestly, this part sucked balls. And not in the sexy kind of way, either.

Issa’s pants were pulled down at an awkward angle, so I either had to release her and walk through the door without her cunt wrapped around my cock or beg someone to tear those fucking jeans away from her body so she could wrap her legs around my waist. And yeah. I had every intention of taking her against every surface possible until we made it to the nest.

But the sooner I released her, the sooner we could all get to the nest, the sooner one of my alphas could knot me and chase away the cramping and fever before it got a full stranglehold on me.

Reluctantly, I lifted her off my cock and helped her pull her pants up her hips enough that she could walk without tripping over herself. At least I hadn’t fully lost my mind to my hindbrain and had enough forethought to avoid letting my beta get hurt.

Though I wasn’t sure how much longer the coherency would last.

The second she could walk without getting caught up in the hem of her jeans, I wrapped my hand around hers and began to rush through the garage and into the house, Enzo ahead of us, Ax and Cyrus following right behind.

Bags rustled as we hurried through the house, up the stairs, and to the omega quarters.

It wasn’t right. None of it was right. I wanted time for my pack to leave their scents on all the new stuff before bringing it into my nest. I hadn’t even had enough time to arrange everything the way my omega needed.

Issa tugged free from my hand and veered off toward the refrigerator and a whine immediately tore from my chest before I could stop it.

Everyone froze in their tracks, hefty levels of alpha hormones exploding into the air.

“I’m just getting water. Go get ready, set everything the way you want it, and I’ll be there before you’re done.”

The whine still filled the air, but it was softer. Stupid omegahormones. My logical side knew what she was doing, but my omega side feared she was rejecting me when I needed her.

“Come on, omega. Let’s get you ready,” Cyrus, the ever calm and steady alpha, said, wrapping his free arm around my shoulders and urging me toward the stairs.

His warm, rain dampened wood scent wrapped around me like a blanket, and I rubbed my cheek against his chest and shoulder as we made our way down the hall.

Enzo stepped in ahead of us, both hands clutched around the handles of several bags. He pulled open the door to the nest and flipped on the dim lights that hung overhead. A lot of omegas preferred something simple like fairy lights or even candles. My omega leaned toward the exposed Edison bulbs, aiding me to see my pack clearly without assaulting my overly sensitive eyes.

Everythingfelt sensitive. My skin was tight and itchy, and my clothes felt like sandpaper against my flesh with every step. I was both hot and freezing cold as my fever rose and rose until my heart raced and my vision blurred.

Sounds escaped my mouth as I yanked the bags from my alphas’ hands and began to arrange the pillows and blankets around the room.

But they smelled wrong. It all smelled wrong.

Not right.

As though anticipating my needs, Enzo, Ax, and Cyrus darted forward, stripped naked, and began to lift the new items and rub them against their scent glands before setting them exactly where I’d arranged them.

But it still wasn’t right. Something was missing. Someonewas missing.

“Issa,” I said. Or rather whined. Her name came out on a whimper even as my alphas carefully and gently began to remove my clothing and guided me to the cushioned floor.

“She’s coming, omega,” Cyrus cooed, smoothing his hands over my hair. “Fuck, you’re burning up.”

Enzo left the room, and my stupid fucking omega began to whineat the sense of abandonment. Two of my packmates were now missing.

Enzo left me. My pack lead left me.

“Shh. He’s coming back. We’re all here.”

“Should we ease him?” Ax asked, stroking his hand along my chest, down to my cock where he gave a soft, gentle stroke, then back up.

Not enough. Damn it. I needed more. I needed…

I couldn’t even finish that sentence. I needed knots. I needed my alphas. I needed my beta.