Then again, we’d thought we had a few more weeks.
We all believed the incident at the club with the asshole alpha had messed with Amir’s biology, the stress sending his body into overdrive with his need to protect me.
Which, of course, was silly.Hewas the omega. I was just the beta.Hewas the one who was to be protected at all times.
Cyrus and Enzo hurried through the front doors, their arms loaded with bags, before Amir could answer Ax. He was still staring at me, his lips parted as his breath came in pants, but he looked dazed.
After the bags were secured in the hatchback, Enzo climbed behind the wheel while Cyrus took the passenger seat, turning his upper body to look back at us. “You doing okay, omega?”
But Amir continued to stare at me, his blinks coming slowly, the softest whine lifting on the air barely louder than his pants.
“I think we need to hurry,” I said, frowning up at Amir.
The longer he stared, the longer he went without responding, the more worried I was growing. I was beginning to sweat where our bodies touched, his fever so high I felt it through our clothes.
“Omega?” Cyrus said, a deep crease forming between his brows.
“Amir,” Enzo barked, checking the rearview mirror as he split his attention between us and the road.
Our pack lead’s bark broke through whatever trance Amir was in and he slowly – and eerily – turned his head toward the front of the vehicle.
And then a heart wrenching whine tore from his throat and hewrapped both arms around his middle as the first major wave of cramping clenched his insides.
“Oh baby,” I cried out as tears welled in my eyes. Releasing my seatbelt, I immediately climbed onto his lap and threw my legs on either side of his hips. “Let me help. I know it won’t be as good as a knot, but I hate seeing you…like this.”
I cupped his face in my hands and pressed kisses to his forehead, cheeks, and nose, before slanting my mouth over his and sighing when his arms wrapped around my back and hugged me tightly. Almost immediately, his hips began to rise under me, gyrating and grinding his erection against my covered core.
Damn it. Why hadn’t I worn a dress or skirt today? I could have easily lifted the hem and pushed my underwear to the side for better access.
His perfume practically exploded from him, stirring the alphas until their growls rumbled nonstop throughout the cab. Their scents rose as their hormones urged them to rut their omega. We were no less than thirty minutes from home and there was only so much room in the SUV, even if we were to put all the seats down.
Amir’s lips tore from my mine and nipped at my throat as he continued to hold me tightly against his chest, his hips thrusting up over and over as though stimulating himself or trying to tear through our clothes.
“Ax. Help me,” I said, trying to pull away to undo and remove my pants enough to give Amir a little relief.
Strong, deft fingers undid my pants then dragged them over my hips, even helping me lift to get them low enough for Amir to have access to my pussy. I assumed Ax was the one to also release Amir’s cock from his pants and hold him steady for me to lower onto his shaft since Amir refused to release his grip on me even the slightest.
As I lowered onto him, his girth stretched me and pulled a breathy moan from my throat.
My gentle, sweet omega didn’t give me any time to adjust to the intrusion before he began to thrust up into me. His lips were parted as a nearly constant whine lifted on the air with his perfume and hispupils fully engulfed the green of his beautiful eyes until they appeared almost black.
This wasn’t preheat. We absolutely did not have days or even hours.
My beautiful Amir was in heat, and we were trapped inside this SUV until we could get him home, in his nest, and knotted by one of our alphas.
Even as Enzo pulled the SUV into the garage and opened the back door, I refused to release Issa, refused to allow anyone to pull her from my cock. My slick dampened my jeans and my cum rolled from her and pooled on my lap after orgasming twice already in the thirty-minute drive from the omega store to our home.
Those two orgasms had taken the edge off the worst of the pain, but it was still there. And her soft, warm body against mine gave me some comfort.
Sweat beaded along her hairline, and I feared it was from my fever cooking her. Yet I still refused to let her go. It felt as though the moment she was no longer in my arms the worst of the symptoms would crash into me and sweep me under.
My cycles weren’t exactly fun in the past, but this one was grabbing me by the throat.
And kicking me in the balls.