“She’sthe victim,” Amir said, his arm wrapped tightly around her shoulders.
The officer nodded. “His friends said he was attacked unprovoked.”
“Good thing the entire club is covered by cameras,” Cyrus said, eternally calm.
“He was making comments all night. Berating me. Degrading me because of my designation,” Issa said, her chin lifted as she continued to blink away those tears.
The officer’s shoulders straightened, and I could have sworn he bristled at her words. Because…hewas a beta, as well. He would know the sting of having someone treat him as though he was less simply because of how he’d presented.
Shoving the notebook back into his pocket, he hooked his hands in his belt again. “Do you want to press charges, Beta Rivera?”
Hearing the use of my last name attached to my beautiful girl made my alpha sit up and pay attention.
Along with my dick.
“No. I just want him out of here.”
“He’s barred,” I growled. “Along with his buddies. I want them trespassed.”
Cyrus glanced at me but didn’t argue. I wasn’t sure whether that look was approving or disapproving, but I didn’t give a fuck. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind they would mistreat Issa again the firstmoment they had. And even if she wasn’t here, they were obviously not the type of patrons we wanted in our club.
“You got it.” The officer turned his attention to Issa. “Do you need medical attention?”
She shook her head, leaning heavily against Amir. “No. I think I’m okay.”
I would have preferred she at least let a medic check her out but knew my girl wouldn’t want the extra attention. And bruising would heal. She looked as though she had full use of her arm, so nothing was broken.
Amir tensed, and his perfume lifted on the air, but he didn’t say anything, just kept Issa hugged tightly to his side.
Turning my attention to my beta and omega, I frowned at the tension not just in Amir’s body language, but in his face, as well. His brows were pinched together, and his eyes looked a little unfocused.
We should have a few more weeks before his heat. But stress could and did often bring on the cycle sooner. Looked like we would have to spend the next few days making sure his nest was ready and perfect before we were all locked away for up to a week.
The entire pack had squeezed into the pack bed in the omega quarters when we got home. Where most packs, most alphas would have been wrapped around their omega, all four men had been wrapped around me, all finding ways to touch me as though unable to bear being so much as a few inches away.
Yeah, that night had sucked. At least the part where the alpha had treated me like shit, my alpha beating him to a pulp, then the cops showing up.
But my time with Ax in the office, my time calming his alpha, then the hour all five of us spent touching and kissing and making love once we got home was nothing short of perfection.
It had been three days since all that had transpired, and we were planning a pack outing to a local store designed for omega needs. Omega’s Desires carried practically anything that could be imagined, and what wasn’t on the shelves could be ordered and delivered directly to our house within a day or two.
The nest in Amir’s quarters had a cushioned floor and walls along with some bland, neutral pillows, but it would need more. At least we had made use of the room on more than a few occasions and covered it with our scents instead of that chemical scent blocker that had covered every inch before.
Amir was trying his best to hide it, but he was definitely in preheat. He’d already been damned near insatiable before, but now, it felt as though he was constantly rubbing up against one of us, luring one of us for a quickie or a blowjob, or simply dragging me to the couch to straddle him whether I was clothed or not.
Had someone told me last year that I would be in a constant state of arousal, I would have laughed in their face. Especially if they’d told me I would be so comfortable around and turned on by three alphas while completely obsessed with an omega.
But here I was, tucked under Ax’s arm as Enzo pushed the cart with Cyrus helping Amir pick out various colors and textures of pillows and blankets for his nest before his heat came crashing in and his omega went crazy when his space wasn’t right.
Amir’s beautiful face was taut, his pupils dilated, and sweat dampened the rogue curls that had come loose from the bun at the nape of his neck.
Slipping out from under Ax’s arm, I sidled up beside my omega and nuzzled against his chest.
“You okay?” I whispered. “We can go home and shop online.”