And we’d found an omega who worshipped our girl, who loved her as deeply as we did.
Our pack was complete. Our lives were complete. And it had everything to do with the two exchanging the softest whispers of their mutual adoration mere feet from where I stood.
My nephew was currently balanced on my lap, his hands wrapped in my long hair, a slobbery smile on his lips as I talked to him in a high-pitched baby voice as his little head wobbled as he tried to hold it up.
Pietro was barely three months old and had the cutest fat rolls around his neck and I couldn’t help but lean forward to kiss them, earning the cutest baby giggle ever. I pulled away wide-eyed and raised my brows at Cora. I’d had no idea they could laugh at such a young age. But what the hell did I know about babies?
Yet another reason me being a mother wasn’t the greatest idea.
Amir was pressed against my right side, Cora sat on my left, our alphas surrounding us on all sides on the couch and chairs they’d pulled close.
“He’s such a happy baby,” I said. “Aren’t you? You aresuch a happy baby.”
His chubby little hands flapped in the air as his adorable baby smile widened as though confirming my statement.
“He loves his aunt. Aunty Issa…” Cora said to Pietro, leaning forward and taking one of his hands to press kisses along the back. “What about you guys? You planning on kids any time in the near future?”
Her eyes bounced between me and Amir, her brows raised.
A lump lodged itself in my throat and I had to cough to clear it. I had no desire to carry a child, but I wouldn’t stand in the way if Amir and our alphas wanted children. I would love and cherish any son or daughter birthed by my beautiful omega.
“We haven’t really talked about all that yet,” Amir said, his eyes soft, his smile wistful as he watched me with my nephew.Ournephew?
I supposed since we were all officially mated, that made my family theirs. We’d all been somewhat connected already since Enzo was Cora’s brother-in-law and all.
“I’m having fun getting to know my new pack. I think we’ll hold off on that decision for a while,” my omega said and gave me a sweet wink.
I smiled at Amir. I could have kissed him for saying that. Because that was exactly how I felt. I knew most packs added an omega solely to carry heirs for their family, even though betas were capable of getting pregnant, though not as easily. At least the packs I’d grown up around my whole life.
But that wasn’t why my alphas had sought Amir. They’d finally admitted they decided on adding an omega for me, had waited until they found a male omega so I wouldn’t feel as though any woman added would be my replacement. They knew I still held quite a bit of distrust and apprehension around other alphas.
Although we could have lived a happy life together, just the four of us, I was beyond happy that we had Amir. He made everything feel…
He made my heart feel so full. Made my life feel complete. Made it feel as though some weird hole I hadn’t known existed in my hearthad finally found its missing piece and I could feel it thumping like crazy as my pack’s love and affection poured through our bond.
We all spent the next few hours talking and laughing, the guys grilled out on the patio, then fed Cora and me while insisting we relax and catch up. They even took over the care of Pietro when he got fussy and needed to go down for a nap.
No. Cora and I hadn’t been close growing up. But we were no longer children, and our asshole fathers were no longer around to pit us against each other or make me feel as if I were less because of my designation.
Now, we were simply two sisters finally getting to know each other. Maybe someday, I could start to build a relationship with my brothers, as well.
“They’re crazy about you,” Cora said, leaning close to me to speak softly as the guys periodically checked on us while we chatted on the couch and they hung out in the kitchen, drinking beer, Cora’s alphas getting a chance to get to know Amir. “And you look so happy.”
A smile beamed on my face before I could stop it. “I am happy. Truly happy.”
Her eyes lowered to the marks on my shoulder and throat, a wistful uptick of her lips preceding a soft sigh. “I knew Enzo and the guys were hot for you, but I could never have dreamed you all would…fuck, you make the perfect pack.”
Even with the way we’d been raised, Cora had always had more of a rebellious streak. She would sneak out or demand our fathers’ guards escort her so she could go dancing or shopping while I had always been more subdued. Sure, I enjoyed the same luxuries she had, but I’d never really been given the chance to spread my wings since I’d been shipped off to a pack after graduating high school.
“I have a job now, too,” I said, my smile stretching into a wide grin when her brows shot up her forehead.
I nodded. “At The Vault. I’m a server three days a week. I just started last week and only worked a few hours each time. But Amir is determined to be there on the nights I work. Although I’m not surehow much of that has to do with being around me and how much is for the opportunity to see Ax dance.”