Lifting it and bringing the screen to life, I noted it was a group text before opening it…and groaning.

Those little brats.

From the flooring, it looked like they were in the kitchen and the picture was from Amir’s POV. The camera was pointed down at Issa who stared up into the camera, her lips wrapped around Amir’s long, thick cock, and I could see a hint of a smile on Issa’s plump lips.

Oh, fuck this.

Pushing from my desk, I yanked open my door and nearly slammed face first into Enzo. “You ready?” he asked, a muscle jumping in his jaw.

“Take it you saw the text?”

“That fucker better be done with his little routine or I’m leaving him here.”

I wasn’t sure which of the two I was more jealous of as I followed Enzo through the bar in search of our other packmate. I wanted so badly to have Issa’s mouth around my cock again, to feel the flared head hitting the back of her throat. But I also wanted to taste Amir’s sweetness on my tongue, to finally feel his ass clenching around my shaft until I filled him the way Enzo had.

The music turned over and I turned my head in time to see Ax running from backstage, his shirt still off, his wide eyes on his phone, before he found us and jerked his head toward the door.

“Where are your shoes?” I yelled over the music.

“I have more at home.”

This was silly. We were all leaving the club we’d built from the ground up – with a loan from Enzo’s brother – because our omega and beta had sent a naughty text.

Nah. Not silly. Completely rational. And I didn’t give a fuck what anyone else thought.

We weren’t in the corporate world and couldn’t take the omega leave other companies might have offered. Therefore, we would take any and every chance we had to be with our omega.Andour beta. At the same fucking time.

The time would come when we wouldhaveto take time off, when Amir went into heat and would require all three of us alphas to help him through. No doubt he’d demand Issa’s presence – the man was as head over heels for her as much as we were.

But she didn’t have a knot. She could ease him with orgasms, but his body, his biology required a knot to quell the dangerously high fevers and the pain that would wreck his abdomen for close to a week.

What a hardship. We would have to take off up to a week to fuck our omega nonstop. We would all be locked in the nest as our hindbrains took over and demanded we breed.

One of us needed to keep our heads during that time, to ensure everyone was eating and drinking enough. That typically fell on a beta, but I felt as though I could tell the future and knew Amir’s omega would become unhinged without Issa in the room, even for the shortest amount of time.

Running barefoot ahead of us, Ax yelled to the bartender that we were taking off for the night and was almost floating as he tried to run across the blacktop without his feet touching the ground too much. I wished I had it on video; the idiot looked ridiculous.

Though I got it. He didn’t want to take even the few minutes to tug on his shoes and shirt so we could head home.

We hadn’t planned to stay long tonight, just putting in enough hours for Ax to try out some new choreography with a small number of his dance crew and finish up some paperwork and deal with other crap admin-wise.

This was still a little sooner than we’d originally intended.

Enzo climbed behind the wheel while I took shotgun, Ax in the backseat. No way would we let the idiot drive. He would break everyspeed limit and end up costing us more time by getting pulled over when he took the highway doing ninety.

“Faster,” Ax said, leaning forward, his elbows on the backs of both of our seats.

“Sit back and put on your seatbelt,” Enzo barked. He literally used his alpha bark on his fellow alpha packmate.

But it worked, even if Ax bit out a slew of curses and insults.

Twenty-two minutes later, Enzo pulled the SUV onto our street, the headlights bouncing across trees and bushes…

And caught on a black sedan parked along the end of our driveway.

It’s brake lights glowed bright red, then the vehicle pulled away.

“Who the fuck is that?” Ax asked, leaning forward again, but this time, his safety belt kept him from scooting to the edge of his seat.