It took her a second to notice I hadn’t taken a drink or that I was currently scowling at her.
“Youhada fucking pack, Issa. Just because none of us had bitten you until last night meant fuck all. We’ve been yours the whole time, you little brat.”
The anger that had bloomed hot in my veins changed to a different kind of heat when her confused and mildly concerned look turned playful.
“Did you just call me a brat? Because I have absolutely no problem living up to that title.”
“Holy shit, Issa!” Amir said with a burst of surprised laughter. “How do you get hotter by the second?”
She lifted her drink to take another sip before remembering it was empty. Raising her brows to me, she gave me a flirty smile until I motioned for Aryn to make her another.
I liked this side of her. I liked watching the stunning butterfly emerge from her cocoon. We’d done what we could for her, but all three of us alphas knew it was Amir’s influence that had finally held a mirror up to her face.
“Slower this time,” I warned her half-heartedly as I passed over her new martini.
Ax finally joined us, dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He was probably still burning up after that performance. I’d only danced with my beta and – hopefully – future omega and was sweating my ass off.
“That was so cool!” Issa squealed. “But maybe a little warning next time.”
“Nah. I liked the surprise on your face. Glad you made it,” Ax said to Amir, leaning forward and pressing his lips to the omega’s.
Between Ax’s natural tendency toward wanting to fuck any hole he could find, Amir’s natural omega sex appeal, and Issa’s newfound confidence, I was going to end up having to buy new pants when my dick ripped through its fabric prison.
“Text Cyrus and tell him to get his ass out here. I want to do shots!”
Ax’s brows shot up his forehead and he turned wide eyes on me. “The fuck happened since I went backstage?”
“She wants to celebrate,” I answered with a shrug.
He looked at Issa, Amir, then back at me. “Okay. But since when is she so…” He waved his hand up and down toward Issa. “Bubbly?”
“Because my whole pack is in one place, I have good alphas, I finally told you how I felt…well, one of you.” Her eyes dropped for a second and a bright pink blush darkened her olive cheeks. “And I’m finally ready to start working. Oh, and you were awesome up there. Shots!” she yelled again.
“Is she drunk?” Ax asked with a chuckle.
“She’s only had that one drink.”
“I had one while I was waiting for Amir, too. But no, I’m not drunk. I’m happy. For once in my life, I’m so happy. And you’re horny,” she said, pointing at Ax. She was yelling to be heard over the music, so when the sound dropped right as those last three words fell from her mouth and anyone close enough could hear her, that old shy Issa returned for a second as she turned and buried her face against Amir’s chest.
“Is everyone staring at me?” she asked with a giggle.
“Noteveryone,” Amir said, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and rubbing his chin along the top of her head to scent mark her.
Ax threw his head back and laughed loudly as I chuckled and shook my head. I’d thought I had my hands full being pack lead over someone like Ax. Now, Amir and Ax were rubbing off on Issa.
“What makes you think I’m horny?” Ax asked as he signaled for Aryn to grab him a beer and five shots of American Honey.
“I can feel you, remember?” she said, turning her head to peek at him.
The way she’d looked when we’d entered the office, her lipstick smeared from kissing Ax, the way her tits rose and fell with each deep breath…
Nope. No way could I last all night without burying my cock in someone, preferably Issa. Or Amir. Or both.
Cyrus finally returned from the office, tucking his phone into his back pocket. I couldn’t gauge anything from his expression or body language as to what kind of call he’d had to rush to take, but since he didn’t look pissed or motion for me to join him, I figured it was business or personal.
Just because we were a pack didn’t mean we had to know every single thing about each other or how we filled every minute of our day. Although, every minute of my day was filled with work or Issa…or thinking about Issa.