My cheeks heated and I dipped my eyes for a second. When he said those words, I actually believed them, believedhim, believed hethought I was beautiful and worth something more than my past experiences.

“Thank you,” I said when I finally looked back at the screen.

He was on his bed, his back against the headboard, his long, curly hair pulled back away from his face.

The memories of running my fingers through his hair as he’d knelt in the nest and licked me until I’d almost screamed his name sent fire licking through my veins.

“I’m going to tell you something my mom told me – people can’t read minds. That includes alphas. And since you four aren’t bonded yet– " He cocked a brow at me as though to remind me of speaking my mind and asking one of them to cover Antonio’s mark. “They won’t feel your emotions, won’t feel your needs. You have to use your words,Habibi.”

Tilting my head, I let my eyes drink in the sight of him. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, but the screen cut off around his shoulders, so I didn’t get a full view. I still hadn’t seen him fully naked yet and I wanted to…badly.

“What language is that? Habibi?”

“Arabic. I’m a Greek Arab. Mom’s Greek. Dad’s family is from Syria. My grandparents came over here as refugees before they had my dad and uncles.”

That explained why his skin was even darker than my own olive complexion.

“Do they know about me?” I asked, suddenly feeling shy. Which was stupid being as he was inside me twice. And had tasted me…twice.

“Of course. They know all about you and the guys. They’re dying to meet you. But I had to reel them in. Because trust me when I say you won’t walk out of our house. You’ll roll. Mom’s love language is food. Like I said…she’s Greek.”

I chuckled and we fell into an easier topic of his family. He was the only omega in a long line of alphas and betas on both sides. While they’d doted on him, they hadn’t treated him as though he was better or lesser than his siblings or cousins. His family sounded…well, perfect. He had the family I’d always dreamed of when I was a young girl.

“Quit changing the subject,” he said with narrowed eyes and a smile when I started asking questions about his aunts and uncles.

“What? I’m just curious.”

“Really? So, if I told you to be waiting naked when the guys got home?” He raised one dark brow.

My cheeks went up into flames. I knew I had to look like a tomato from how hard I was blushing.

The camera angle changed on Amir’s end until I could see more of his chest. His pecs were chiseled, there was a dark smattering of hair, his nipples were dark against his tanned skin and pebbled as though the conversation had either turned him or it was chilly in his room. I preferred the former.

“What time will they be home?” he asked. And his sexy voice definitely sounded deeper.

Checking the time at the top of the screen, I said, “In about an hour. Maybe less if it wasn’t too busy tonight.”

Being as it was a weeknight, I didn’t think they would be as late as they normally would. I tended to be asleep on the couch by the time they rolled in then would shuffle up to bed once I felt safe with their presence.

But since the night of our date, I’d been staying up chatting with Amir and was usually still awake when I heard the garage door rumble up.

“Hmm. I wonder how I could possibly get you worked up enough to jump your alphas’ bones when they walk through the door.”

The camera moved again and the outline of his long, thick erection through his sweats came into view before his face filled the screen again.

“You’re a tease. Anyone ever tell you that?”

“Oh, honey. A tease is someone who doesn’t follow through. And I’m pretty sure I’ve proven I always follow through on my flirting.”

That he had. And I was already addicted and fiending for more.

“Sit up for me,” he said.

My hand shook as I gripped the phone and rolled over so I could sit up.

“Show me what you’re wearing.”

My face went hot again. “I’m just wearing a t-shirt—”